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Everything posted by T.C.

  1. I infer from your comments that the ARM Patch isn't v0.23.5.464 with some extra stuff. It's just v0.23.5.464, and there is no reason to use it if my install is already updated to that version. Thank you for the info. -TC
  2. Both downloads seem to be v0.23.5.464. Does that mean they are identical? Or does one contain some content the other lacks? -TC
  3. I just bought and downloaded the game. There were two downloads -- the Full Game and the ARM Patch. What is the ARM Patch and what should I do with it? I explored it a little, and it seems to be more than a patch -- it contains all the files required to run the game; and when I run it, it seems identical to the full game. So, what's the deal? -TC
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