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Everything posted by MusterBuster

  1. Hey guys! I'm running a dev build career server. The players would like me to make it a bit easier, they're struggling to get started. It looks like they can tweak the difficulty for themselves by enabling things like revert flights, but there's no way for me to set the additional career difficulty options that are available in single player (eg- starting money, science and reputation + gains and losses). Is there any way for me to either set that globally, or for players to do it themselves? Starting them off with a bit more cash would give them a buffer to make some mistakes with
  2. Just came back to say that I absolutely love that you're working on this darklight, thank you so much. The MP server has bought literally days of fun for me and some mates, and I just thought I'd let you know that. Really eager to see 0.24 support on release, I tend to stay away from the dev build just to keep a stable server for everyone. I've not even touched .24 on single player yet cos I'm too excited about trying it all out with friends online!! Keep at it dude, you rock, MB
  3. Hey Darklight! Thanks again for helping me out on the IRC the other night. DMP is working perfectly. I've not updated to 1.3 yet, will we lose any progress when this update is applied? Following DMP with great interest now. Sharing flags would be a great addition since me and my friends like to leave stories for each other to find explaining the outcomes of various missions Another would be the ability to donate science to another player. But, to be honest, it's absolutely playable and we're already loving it to bits. Thanks for your hard work! I'm a community manager by profession, so if you ever get to the stage where you need some help with that, I'll be happy to volunteer. You can find me on twitter @MusterBuster. Much Love! MB
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