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Everything posted by KevinGelking

  1. The contract pack for me also doesn't offer any main body relay setups (only moons). Additionally, it's impossible to complete the "Relay antenna rating (combined): At least 5.00M" requirements when you have stuff like Real Antennas installed. With the actual antennas (which are not flagged as "relay") I send and receive to the Mun just fine, but the contract won't complete. If I put the only Relay antenna I have so far unlocked (RA-00-2 Micro-Relay Antenna, rating 2.00M (combinable)) onto a vessel and put it in orbit, it also does not complete. And I put 16 of those on the vessel which should certainly be enough.
  2. As an update to my still Moderator-Check-Pending post, here's 3 screenshots I took of the Orbital Research. Active research ~ 6H+ (which is more than 1 Kerbin Day) 23h 59m - which is almost 1 normal Day ... And 24h+ , which is one actual day, which just reverts time to 0 and makes it impossible to complete the mission:
  3. I must say I'm quite surprised that the "Known Issues" section had so few entries. I tested the mod yesterday and I noticed that various things did not work and made playing impossible. 1st. After researching "Recycling" for 300 Science and clicking "Recover Vessel" - you don't get a s*t back. Instead you get to pay the whole rocket all over just to make a tiny adjustment like updating the Action Groups or adding Fuel Lines. 2nd. When taking the Contract to Orbit around Minmus and perform orbital Research for 1 Day --- I went into correct orbit around minmus, started the "Orbital Research Box" Research and the counter started counting. I accelerated time --- it went Past 6H (1 Kerbin Day) --- and past 23:59 hours after which it returned to 0 and turned red again. In short: Research missions are impossible to complete. Another batch of money wasted. 3rd. Taking another mission which was to Orbit around a certain body... well, the body I had to orbit around was no other than "none". Meaning it is impossible to complete the mission due to the fact that its not possible to orbit around "Nothing" as you'd always orbit around the sun at least. (leaving the orbit of the sun would take 14 years and I think the vessel would simply disappear in that event) Overall I must say I'm very disappointed in the mod. It looked nice to have a challenge and a tight budget to build rockets, but having no (WORKING) way to get money back from vessels and it not being possible to complete any of the interesting missions makes this impractical. Now I'm stuck with a budget of 64.0 $ because I never got money back from the vessel I had on the launchpad~ now being unable to actually make any money because its impossible to build a cheap rocket to perform an impossible mission. Sad Fox Here
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