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Everything posted by J4CKAL2014

  1. I'd like to think its probably whatever you get when combining the main themes from The Right Stuff and Apollo 13. In reality, however, my space programme is far less glorious/awesome
  2. I've had no problems with straight returns from Minmus with a Kerbin periapsis of about 25km (and I'm using Deadly Reentry Continued, so exceeding about 12G isn't even viable!)
  3. Redesigned my Minmus rocket, launched it, had horrendous wobble (which I think was due to the dodgy connection between my lander and command module) which caused two crashes (crew survived on both occasions cos of my escape system, glad that it finally came in handy ), so*had to change it again but went for a heavy lander design this time, which worked very nicely, planted my fourth flag in yet another lake. Designed and put an orbital station into orbit around Minmus and am now wondering how to create a suitable rover + spacecraft design. Don't blame you - there's plenty you can do just in the inner system
  4. I think Minmus is my favourite at the moment, because: 1. Its inside Kerbin's sphere of influence and therefore pretty easy to get to (although its orbit and small size can be a bit of a pain) 2. Although the low gravity makes an encounter a bit harder than the Mun, that low gravity also makes it easier to work with once you're there. Don't need so much fuel/rocket power to do stuff 3. Easier to land on than most other moons/planets because it has those big frozen lakes (which look awesome with the EVE mod too) 4. IMO its a more interesting place to visit than the Mun because it just looks cooler
  5. Built an observation station around the Mun and sent up a ship up dock with it. 3 Kerbals were on board and I was gonna transfer them to the station. Set up a Hohmann transfer for an RV, but didn't initially realise that, bebause my station was in quite a low orbit (around 30km) my RV course actually went through the Mun! By the time I realised and stopped already time-acceleration, I was about 6km above the surface. My frantic retrograde burn was in vain and the spacecraft hit the surface at about 400m/s...but amazing the command module survived! Only to bounce off the surface and then come back down and explode so yeah, I might have reverted that one...
  6. Yeah just tested it, very nice to see that feature has been added good job!
  7. Nice one Nathan, gonna give this a stab now have always tried to re-enter at sensible angles and speeds but now I guess I'll see if they actually work! One small thing: does Alt+D+R also show you the temperature that the craft is experiencing? It was always kind've annoying that stock KSP didn't give you that information (or maybe it did and I just didn't notice it)
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