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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I've been playing 0.90.0 beta for a while now and it's crashed every so often but nothing major, mainly memory issues. I have an unmodded install of the game and I loaded it up, opened a sandbox save and started to play about with the Mk3 parts but for me, the textures for all Mk3 Cargo Bays are missing. They are plain white. D: Is anyone else experiencing it and does anyone know how to get the textures back. Many thanks!
  2. I would make it part of your career to return all current missions >.< Then join the HypeTrain in Sandbox for 0.90.0! Coming Soonâ„¢
  3. Hey! This is an awesome Idea and I've joined the steam group. Here's a high altitude craft I built called Pisces - 1. It's not an amazing name however it's capable of high altitude flying. 6 Turbojet engines and crews 2. My highest speed with it is 1.8 km/s @ ~22,000 m altitude before it flames out. Plenty of fuel to go round Kerbin. It's first mission was to the south pole! It's stock too. Here's some pics in the album http://imgur.com/a/XDdnp Craft File ---> https://www.dropbox.com/s/c2h8ppgxcelp8na/Pisces%20-%201.craft?dl=0 Enjoy!
  4. Floor 812: Turns out it was a wormhole poster, You grab a coffee and head onward.
  5. If so, It'll be for Scott Manley, Nassult or even Danny...
  6. Floor 774: You find yourself in an abandoned office, you walk out of door 427 when a voice says "All of his co-workers were gone, Jeb decided to walk to the meeting room to see if he missed a memo".
  7. I've never landed on the runway, I haven't landed a successful space-plane without parachutes, I've lost a kerbal as Debris, I need a mod to make a shuttle, I don't deorbit debris and when I land on Mun, I have the ascent stage attached to the lander :L
  8. *During Trans-Munar Flight* Bill; "Fifty-Six lander-cans over the Mun, Fifty-Six lander-cans crewed! Take one..." *Jeb grabs Bill, twists open the airlock and throws him out" Jeb; Now, Bob, You can either join him out there or SHUT YOUR MOUTH UNTIL WE LAND!
  9. If im in Career, it's some kind of Daft Punk, however in my save for messing around...
  10. On my sandbox save, I decided to send a rover to Duna to explore the different terrains as well as test the functions of Hyper Edit. I set it to land on the North Pole of Duna where there is a sharp Mountain reaching out of the ground with some cliffs, as the rover tumbled down the mountain, the chase camera clipped through the mountain and this is what I saw, has anyone else seen this before or does anyone know what this is?
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