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Posts posted by InfiniteShock

  1. Small question. If I recall correctly, Adjustable Landing Gear used to have a second texture with black shielding instead of the white. I don't see that in this version of it. Are there any plans to implement that? 

    Side note: Getting back into KSP after two years, it's nice to see people still working on mods and maintaining older ones. 

  2. On 11/15/2016 at 5:30 PM, Skalou said:

    i think i've seen a mod doing exactly this ( has only part wich are airlock), but i don't remember the name.

    Do you mean like a part that only has a door on it? If you made the part, you wouldn't have to animate anything, it would literally just have a door on the side of the fuselage and nothing else on the part.

  3. BXv5n6A.png

    Hi, couple questions about both Kerbal Flight Indicators and Kerbal Flight Data, both of which I've been using since each came out (and I don't play without them.)

    1. For KFD, is the data supposed to be that close to the bottom of the screen? In 1.0.5, they were a bit further away from the edge, so I was wondering if there a way to move them up a little.

    2. While changing "useAppLauncher" to false worked for disabling the icon for KFI, it doesn't seem to want to work for KFD. Suggestions?

    3. Not a necessarily a question, but the horizon indicator is sort of hard to see in-game. I saw that the CFG contains "horizon color" as a sting of values, so I'm probably just going to experiment with those.

    4. Speaking of KFI, I see that you still include the old images and configuration for the old graphics. Why? Out of curiosity.

  4. On February 23, 2016 at 4:31 PM, RaginCaucasian said:

    Glad you're enjoying the parts!

    For a bomb-bay, I think the fillet might get in the way. If I used just the straight portion for the doors, maximum width would be a little less than 1.875m. I don't know about including the fillets, because they would intersect the area where wings are probably going to be mounted.

    Well, I would say don't involve the fillet. People with rovers are already going to have them small enough to lie on the flat part of the fuselage and mounted drills will fit through pretty tight spaces without clipping.

  5. So I really love these parts, and I hope you never stop updating them. I have a couple suggestions for parts, most notably a crew tank and a bomb bay style part. The point of the bay is not to actually drop bombs, but rather to deploy mining equipment without having them outside the craft.

    Side note: I made my first good looking SSTO with a meaningful payload capacity from these parts: 

  6. 1 hour ago, rbray89 said:

    BDArmory must be doing something funky then... I'll have to take a look.

    So I had the idea to grab a vanilla install and put a new copy of both BDA and DTL in the new install's gamedata folder, and it launched just fine. So I spent the last hour or so grabbing new versions of mods where I could (Kerbal Stuff is gone again) and used pre-downloaded mods to fill in the gaps and everything is working swimmingly. I'm assuming it's just a fluke or something to do with how windows copied the BDA folder into gamedata; duplicate textures maybe? Thanks for the help though.

  7. Hey, having an odd problem I've been working on for an hour or so and I can't seem to really fix it.

    Everything was working really well for the last month or so I had this installed and it hasn't crashed in all of that time. Today I noticed that there was a new version of BDArmory so I installed it like every other mod by placing it into gamedata, overwriting the old version. Loaded up KSP, and every texture for parts and icons was white. So I started troubleshooting, uninstalling BDA, DTL plugin files (the cache folders), Filter Extensions, TweakScale, ATM, and then finally Dynamic Texture Loader itself (in that order.) I also deleted the module manager caches and ran KSP to create new ones, and then I got a new version completely. 

    Currently, starting KSP with DTL installed gives me white textures, and reloading the resources in game (alt-F12 menu) brings back about 3/4s of them. Uninstalling DTL and then running ksp again brings evrything back, but I can only make 1 or 2 flights before a crash. 

  8. On 9/16/2015 at 9:20 AM, umur said:

    Hey Scart91.. There were suit textures made by you with the lttle class insignias back of helmets. There are many class oriented suit textures but i liked yours very much. It was posted under TextureReplacer 2.4.9 thread. But i think download link is dead.. Can you make it work or new suits with class insignias..

    Yeah, I was starting to look at suit texture replacements and those were really nice. I'd be cool with just those suits with no modifications done.

  9. On 12/12/2015, 12:14:44, pellinor said:

    Did you also give the part a new name? Part names must be unique, else bad things may happen. And the new part should not be scaleable until you explicitely add a TweakScale module.

    Yep, forgot to rename that. How would I add tweakscale to the part?

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