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Everything posted by Cat_Fish12321

  1. Wow, these are some close calls... Another one of mine was when I was piloting my first plane in career mode. It looked good from all I could see, got to 40km up, going 700m/s+, gaining speed pretty good... Then I forgot to check my air intake and then flameout... I lost control and barely got it back 8000m up from sea level. I aborted, opened emergency parachutes, and have yet to use the swept wings since...
  2. Here we can put some of our times when we have a close call (Or not so close) like smashing into the mun at 40m/s without explosions. Or docking at high speeds. Can't wait to see some of the feedback on here. Hope some funny/suspenseful moments can be shared here! Ill start it off: One time, I had spent many, many, hours getting to Eeloo with ION engines only (I nearly died of boredom) I forgot to quick save. Not that bad of a thing right? Wrong, once I got into orbit I kept saying " I'll quick save once I go suborbital. I'll be fine..." Well turns out, I end up getting back into a solid orbit because I was going to fast and aborted. The rocket was multi-staged, and once I jettisoned the empty xenon tanks, they blew up from hitting the surface 3 seconds later. That day, I nearly had a heart attack and I have been Quick saving almost every 15 minutes Lets see what you awesome people have :3 (Derp: I put the first version of this thread in the wrong area )
  3. Yeah, sorry bout that. I put it in the wrong place, and I just noticed
  4. Hmm... Looks like something I had when using B9... The engines would show up as thrusting in the VAB and were playing the sound. Besides B9, I had like 15 million mods so that might be it. Not sure...
  5. Hey everybody! Ever since I started looking for mods ( That start 7 months ago) I've been looking around here, looking at fun threads, checking the Devnote-Tuesdays, looking for mods, or even challenges that I tried myself. It's great to have finally got an account and so far, this place seems pretty gosh darn friendly! Some of my best moments in KSP were because of something here on the forums inspired me. Most of my missions to the Easter Eggs were because of here, before I had no patience or will to look for them. Now every time I even find a monolith, I get this great sense of accomplishment. I am also a Brony, but I don't try to hate on people for not being one, nor do I argue with "Haters". Anyways, that's a little off topic This forum site is probably the cleanest, nicest one I've seen in awhile.
  6. Here we can put some of our times when we have a close call (Or not so close) like smashing into the mun at 40m/s without explosions. Or docking at high speeds. Can't wait to see some of the feedback on here. Hope some funny/suspenseful moments can be shared here! Ill start it off: One time, I had spent many, many, hours getting to Eeloo with ION engines only (I nearly died of boredom) I forgot to quick save. Not that bad of a thing right? Wrong, once I got into orbit I kept saying " I'll quick save once I go suborbital. I'll be fine..." Well turns out, I end up getting back into a solid orbit because I was going to fast and aborted. The rocket was multi-staged, and once I jettisoned the empty xenon tanks, they blew up from hitting the surface 3 seconds later. Lets see what you got
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