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    Rocketry Enthusiast
  1. Quick question please. I use KER with BTSM and when I build a rocket in the VAB I get one DV readout (with atmosphere selected) and I get a different readout when I go to the launchpad under vessel. The difference is only about 10 to 20 DVD but I was wondering what is the reason? thanks!
  2. I don't want to identify myself yet but I was given my first taste of KSP for free (demo). Soon I was back with my cash and now I will do just about anything to get 10 minutes with KSP. Then I tried KSP laced with an incredible kicker (BTSM) and now I am a w.h.o.r.e. Kids, stay in school.
  3. Sweet idea! I am going to set that up as well. Learn something new everyday.
  4. No... what I was saying is what 5thHorseman said......but he said it better. The whole idea is absurd that there are not Kerbals in these biomes already to collect samples and do science. Kerbals inhabit the planet already. If I live at the Cape and I need samples from Denver I just have my Denver crew collect them and Fed-EX them to me. I don't mercury-redstone a mission to Denver.
  5. I made another thread on this very topic. The absurd part of getting science from the grasslands/highlands/icecap/etc. of Kerbin is you could just drive there in a car to collect science. Not launch and land a rocket!
  6. Great game so far. Getting quite addicted. But I have to ask.... It doesn't make sense to fly a rocket all over Kerban and land to collect science from different biomes. If I lived at the Cape and I needed soil samples from Denver I would use roads right? Is there a back story I am missing or is it just a "thing" that is in the game to give you some Kerban bound missions?
  7. As I play Kerbal and I get more into mods I really think that for the release of this game you should resize everything to our real current solar system. It would fix many of the problems people are having trying to get everything a more realistic feel (ISP's, drag, mass, etc....). At least make it an option in the release. So many mods are made to try and mimic real life. Everything needs tweaking in order for this to happen it becomes overwhelming to try to keep all the mods straight. Anyways, just my two cents. If you want to keep it 1/10th scale that is your choice but I think full scale should be an OPTION as it would hit a broader audience and it would lead to more realistic craft designs and flights. You, as the Devs, can make it all work in one package that deals with everything so we don't have to download 15 mods and adjust them all the time. With time warp the distance to other planets doesn't matter. I just love KSP and I want to keep the cartoon feel and great UI but to upscale to 100% size and all that goes with it (RL rocket performance) out of the box would be just perfect! Thanks
  8. I didn't ask if it would bother me, I asked if it can be removed all together. I don't see it in any other screenshot so I wonder where it is. Even when you hide it off to the side you still see that tab sticking out but not in these screenshots.
  9. I installed this mod today and this is great. Is there a way to not have that little button (toolbar maybe) not be on any screen? I know you can "hide" it to the side but I can still see it. I don't notice it on anyone elses screenshots.
  10. Cool application of physics. Does any capsule make use of this "free" rotation? (not free but batteries)
  11. Hello, Downloaded the demo to get a taste. I am coming from Orbiter 2010 so I noticed rather quickly that once in orbit my aero controls still work. No need for RCS. Also the capsule seems to be able to rotate around with no RCS both in orbit and in the atmosphere. Is this stuff just demo bugs or am I missing something obvious? Thanks
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