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Everything posted by Lilleman

  1. I think this is the most up to date documentation: https://github.com/Nivekk/KOS/blob/master/README.md A quick example for arguments, let's made a testArg.txt file: declare parameter X. print X. And that's it, you can call this with "run testArg(something)." Where X can be a string, an integer (or a double), a condition, etc... The only thing missing in the doc here (as far as I noticed) is the WARPMODE thing: set warpmode to "RAILS".//only if the ship's altitude allows it set warp to 7. set warpmode to "PHYSICS".//physics time warp set warp to 3. Useful stuff too... Edit: @dzikakulka: That would be: set bNodeExist to false. set iNodeETA to (time:seconds + 920340000).//a kerbal year is 2556.5 hours, *100 set tempNode to node(iNodeETA,0,0,0). add tempNode. if nextnode:eta < tempNode:eta { set bNodeExist to true. }. remove tempNode. I have to try this. Thanks for the idea!
  2. Boot files are just normal scripts, but you'll need to name them starting with "boot", you can then select them in the VAB. Right-click on your kOS core, and you'll be able to toggle a boot file. Basically, all my boot files are like this: toggle ag10.//"Toggle Terminal" is binded to action group 10 switch to 0. clearscreen. run ***.//run whatever program you want You get used very fast to not having to type those commands before every launch...
  3. Unless you've already locked it before, you can't read from THROTTLE. For the terminal window, I just use the Action Group 10 to toggle it, then add "toggle ag10." to the boot file. I've almost made a complete autopilot with kOS, and each time I write a new function, I realize there's a lot of undocumented things (like the WARPMODE, or boot files, wich I found in changelogs). Is the documentation link in first page up to date? Edit: also, my prog is almost ready for a kOS challenge, is there an active one somewhere?
  4. That's what I was thinking, there's no way an easter egg will look like that. BTW, I realized I never gave you rep, even I use Toolbar for ages. Here, have some rep!
  5. I found it! It's a spinning light... I blame Toolbar, but this thing is spawning in every starting sequence now, so it might be a bug after all... Sometimes it just explode and go away, sometimes it just stop.
  6. I was wondering if this would work, since Unity 4.5.2 has a x64 player for Mac. Nice to hear it does. This might need a new thread to let people know how to do this.
  7. Just in case, there's a x64 Unity player for Mac in the last Unity release. I don't own a Mac, so I can't test this, but someone could give it a try, and have a x64 hack for mac.
  8. I was using "LOCK STEERING TO UP + R(x,y,z)." , so maybe I didn't take care of rotations orders... Anyway, "lock steering to heading()" seems to work as I expected, thanks!
  9. Is there a way to use the LOCK STEERING function without having the ship going everywhere like crazy (I saw in the FAQ this was a "normal" behavior)? Or do I have to make my own heading function using raw controls? The only thing I can do safely for now with kOS is triggering groups or throttle... As soon as I try to change the heading, crazy things happen.
  10. Just updated the OP. I think a mod can close this thread now. Again, a HUGE thanks to Squad for acknowledging this thread, and for the official x64 support!
  11. *looking by the window of the Hypetrain* *Hypetrain goes Warpspeed* *Grab seat in front of me*
  12. *hurry and sit in the Hypetrain near a window* OK, I'm ready for another day!
  13. This should be stickied when x64 build will be released, to avoid bad surprises: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa366778%28v=vs.85%29.aspx @BadRocketsCo: You won't be able to use the x64 KSP with a 32-bits OS. It just won't start.
  14. Just when I thought nothing will happen today: https://twitter.com/danRpaulsen/status/489442242285694976
  15. Yep, yesterday. Nothing today yet... My hype train is running low on fuel...
  16. Everytime I see an update on SteamDB and it's still an experimental...
  17. Not everything needs to be redownloaded for x64. Most of content will be shared, so it will be 750MB + the classic 32-bits install. (edit: I admit 750MB just for some binaries is quite large, we'll se Soon enough anyway).
  18. This has been a busy day, full of SCIENCE! <iframe class="imgur-album" src="http://imgur.com/a/8BIYH/embed" frameborder="0" height="550" width="100%"></iframe> Edit: Check here to get the head (it's a 3 Kerbals command pod).
  19. Today, I learned how to build ships higher than the VAB. This will not be good for reputation nor budget, I guess... It might need to be slightly redesigned before the update.
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