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Posts posted by CjStaal

  1. What would I need to type in in order to put all my sats in geostationary with 120 degrees between each one? I"m going to fly them all up there, do it myself, and then finish off by editing each one with hyperedit. The thing is, when I tried to do that with my space station, It put them directly on top of each other and blew them up. How do I go about this?

  2. 1 minute ago, tater said:

    Eat lunch at home one day. Or have a couple fewer girly coffees (any that include flavors/ingredients other than "coffee") for a month. Or get a job if you don't have one.

    So, "no."

    I make mucccch more than enough money to purchase it. But it's the principle of it. We all helped test the game in early access. We were the QC team basically. Found bugs and reported them. Dealt with random crashes. And so much more. We should be rewarded for that. At Least everyone before .5

  3. Just now, Rocket In My Pocket said:

    The deadline has been set, it won't be changing.

    They move it for you, and then next thing they have to bump it to 2014 for someone else, and then 2015...etc...

    Consider this your chance to to show your support again by purchasing the DLC's.

    I'm not purchasing anything anymore. This is all false goodwill that's screwing the people who supported them when they needed it. Plus after people buy DLC then they'll push more and add microtransactions. "100 Maneuver nodes for just 39.99!"

  4. KSP's popularity/sale spike happened right after May of 2013. Which is why they're choosing to give the DLC away for free for the people who purchased before that date. It is false goodwill. The people who bought after that in 2013 are the ones they got the most money from when they needed money the most. Because of this, all 2013 purchasers should also be included for the free DLC.

  5. On 3/17/2017 at 9:30 AM, Woodstar said:

    Why april, why not just 2013, Kinda makes me mad, made my purchase Dec. 2013.

    Edit: nice one on the word change. wouldn't want any of our resident children seeing any curse words. HAHA


    Because that's right before the spike of purchases. It's appeasement to us "oh they aren't loveing us at least" when in reality it's an extremely small percentage of people who bought before that. I bought in June. June is when it spiked in popularity.

  6. All cyclers do have a serious flaw. In order to transfer fuel, crew, cargo and whatever you'll need to dock. And to dock you'll have to match velocities. If you match velocities with a cycler to for example Mars you will be on a trajectory to Mars. Since you've already spend a lot of fuel to get into that trajectory it makes a lot more sense to stay on that orbit and actually go to Mars yourself. Why would you waste another great amount of fuel to stay in Earth orbit?

    Because you're using a much smaller ship to dock. You're saving fuel and gaining space. [pun intended.]

  7. Actually, there is one


    WTF are you talking about? Mods are already centralized, they all go in GameData, in their own folder

    The only mods that require other mods to work state so VERY clearly. And they either redistrubute the part of the mod themselves, so you don't even have to click a link and download something else, or they provide a link to the other mod. Big deal, now you have to download and copy paste 2 files to the same spot, instead of one. And you don't even have to bother about merging the redistrubed part of a mod with the rest of the mod if you already have it, cause that happends automaticly when you tell it to paste

    Also: A mod manager doesn't do anything to stop dependencies. Look at Skyrim's mod manager, there are mods there that require other mods, and the ones that do tell you. YOU have to tell the mod manager to download those extra mods. Which only replaces the TINY step of copy pasting the thing you downloaded, with activating it in the manager

    What I mean is when you want to install Mod Y but it comes with Mod x and files to add to mod x. Instead, when you try to install mod y it says you need to install mod x also, but you already have it. so it just installs the files that are needed to add to mod x to make mod y work also.

    I don't think mod management will ever come from a mod. It would have to implemented in stock to gain traction and acceptance, IMO.

    Ideally, it would support dependency checking and known incompatibility checking, and support automatic updating from any mod hosting solution. Unfortunately, I suspect the closest we'll see is an updated version of the Curse client.

    I should have added in-game mod manager. Stock.

  8. I think rather than having asteroids randomly smashing into KSC, after you decide to TRACK an asteroid, and IF it's on a collision course with Kerbin, you could have a contract to redirect it. The idea of deformable terrain and impact craters seems quite easy to implement to me, since destructible buildings have already been added - and it would also be useful if you crashed a rocket into the Mun or something.

    The main problem with having asteroids randomly crashing into Kerbin is that when you're on a trip to Eeloo or you're doing a grand tour, lots of time passes and lots of asteroids would have crashed into Kerbin.

    You're able to run more than one mission =\

  9. Considering this is a heavily modded game and mods run the community, why no mod manager in game? It would be so helpful and would solve a lot of headaches and all around be welcome, even if it makes the next update take longer. People would love it and it would probably bring the support posts down a lot. So why no mod manager? Almost every other game has one. It would be glorious!

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