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Everything posted by stephm

  1. hello again ! Yes it's not easy to manage, for now I stay with two part, but regarding my bug placement I have discover an another thing the scale is not the same between the two part and the difference is noticeable, what an error I have mad pfff... same parameter in the same cfg but not the same scale, I'm looking each part to see if it's not a blender scale problem somewhere... cfg placement is ok it's the scale of one part is not the same, it's to late for me time to bed thank again (may tomorrow with clear spirit the problem will be resolved I hope !!!) steph
  2. back again it's fast yep, I thinking about a Major rule about mirroring !!! The way how mirror work need to be a part with a mesh symmetrical in all axis ! And if you look my strange part lol, there are no axis symmetry in mesh everything is shifted and not centered, may be for this type of configuration it's not possible to have only one part !! Difficult to say that in English for me , in the part they no real symmetry working based on the center of part. if I 'm back to my original rotation (0,0,0) and if I look the Zaxis , the part mesh is not symmetrical . May be if y change the Center to the Y position .................... I'm back lol in this try : model is rotated 90 on Y axis and wheel axis is centered (Z)with center of the part : And in SPH: Wheel are no in mirror , but .... the shape of the case not mirrored because it's a non symmetrical mesh ! I'm right ? ( in fact is not a good part lol at all, a bizarre part ! yep ...) Edit : 23h59 (French time ) I have discovers a another little bug on part placement, in cfg to help people I have tweaked the node_Attach parameter but forget to correct the position, building a craft at this moment and the part are a little shifted, I think people begin to Hate me lo ! and again an other update and modification fortunately not so many download !.. I'm back tomorrow , try to change this little glitch. steph
  3. hello ! I'm re- start here, purpose only one part working with symmetry. @nli2Work : -in UNITY I have turned the complete gameobject on Y axis and the result : For mirror thing, I think the part need to be setup on an axis mirror in this geometry ok ? So for my Part, the center of part need to be moved somewhere to catch an axis Mirror need to be on this axis, if y understand the problem ! I try this big modification ! back later.
  4. hello ! I have seen the post about mirror thing, I beyond my comprehension at this moment !!! . I have to learn catch all the axis reference knowledge , in vab or sph, even in unity. I'm fight yet with the node attach in cfg to understand how it work !!! But tank you very much for the info I note that somewhere for further test, now I'm testing thing with monodevelopp just to see how it work ! steph Edit : ok I try lol (my gear is not easy to manage but it's fun) again thank a lot for tip !! I continue this on my thread development for this gear !
  5. hi! thank lo-fi, I hope the example are not to bad and will be useful. -The state of the gear seem to be compressed on ground by vessel mass, or fully decompressed. if find that the proportion of the skylon are good according to the first picture on this post, it's look great ..
  6. hi ! @J.Random : Yes they are two part but only one type of texture, it's a non symmetrical part, other gear like smallgearBay have the axis on the middle, this gear is completely shifted left or right according if is left or right part. (like fighter jet) But if you say it's possible to assign atomically the symmetry part without adding a separate part give me the way to do that ! steph
  7. hello ! I have tested the pluggin with a 20t plane and a big (40t) , the range -20 to 20 is only on the 40 t plane. but for the 20t plane the range is correct 0 to 40 ! I need to see how the range is affected by mass, I'm thinking I don't understand at all, the code writing above . That make a perfect sense for me, because, same problem in Java for my first first code lol !!!! Another thing the way to access data in ksp it's very similar to 3DS. Edit 11/08/14 16h I use type of INFO to learn how to (for debug function in this case), is this kind of references are valid for all C# reference in KSP ? Now I have a result , but it's not working real time, the gear need to raised and lowered, after that the new spring value is used. I see in debug window the change of value, when slider moving, it's ok . but I have still the same behavior about the range of the MassSlider, -20 to 20 for 40t and 0 to 40 for 20t plane.. I think it's under my nose but where ! Edit 21/08/14 Close Post : test abandonned steph
  8. hi ! Version 1.3 for English reading !! (updated) (sorry for all these little modifications) hello Joshwood69, and why not but that demand a little work , for now the big thing I have to do it's the front gear with some module tweak on the pitch plane (and perhaps some parameter on gear). But for a smaller gear it's easy by the rescale option in cfg to have smaller GEAR but stay in 45 degree angle ! (I keep an option with the module scale everything, but I need a full configuration rear gear and new front to do that). voilàsteph
  9. Hi ! hi Justin Kerbice ! , it's for the cfg file that's right ?For placing part, I have no choice (tested some other orientation), If you look other part sometime it's not very easy to manipulate, I can try to modify the cfg file for a good placement but for now it's the best I have find for correct representation in vab and sph (icon) and placement on other part. i'v just modified upload to minor thing:D, may be an another 1.3 version come soon with English cfg (remind you, French is my native language, so may be error for English in cfg lol) I'm looking to correct the SPH, VAB orientation axis. steph
  10. hi ! version 1.2 Last update about texture and geometry, (as always I'm never satisfied by my work......)! Just modified the Shader and texture for cylinder (to much blue) and try to approach chrome style in KSP. The Main cylinder (with linked wheel) was mapped with cylinder shader material, I have separate the mesh back of the mesh (between the wheel) is now mapped on the main texture (no specular) . and the top (cylinder) stay mapped with the cylinder shader. I think is better now, before this modification this mesh as you will notice the other mesh cylinder was almost blue on day light .. . (see first post, upgraded to 1.2 version.) steph
  11. hello ! Oups yes it's true it's the same thing for bug in KSP need log and info ! Just to learn the way how code is created to take info in part ! For log at this moment no error , I'm looking how the debug info work (tested Print, to see some variables in debug window) steph Edit : For tonight I'm OUt sorry for that Stupi_chris , my neighbor make A ......... noise just to bother me , it's impossible for me to stay concentrate. I'm back tomorrow if i find some sleeping........... sorry
  12. hello ! I see on other post you need example with PISTON: I have reworked the rear gear Mockup with two type animations : one gear bay is now managed is blender by Armature (manage the C Bay or trappe_C in blender. ) And Piston+cylinder to simulate main Actuator for Gear. Archive contain the blender File, and the FBX export and UNITY scene. REAR MOCKUP Nested Cylinder-(blender file) In blender for the Export TAB in FBX If you click under Export Fbx on option : Operator Preset By clicking this option a list appears , and I have made a preset for you :Export Unity click this preset and the tab is configured for UNITY. Now look how part are managed in blender by animation (part have KEY), and look how the actuator is parented is contain no animation just Constraint, parent move The cylinder And Piston In unity it's automatic key are created For the ARMATURE, I have choose something a bit complicated, but in unity almost all the animation is recreated you have absolutely nothing to do . In this Case they are just one position not managed on static for the Trappe_C object. in UNITY click on the Trappe_C element and notice in the Inspector the Rotation line is bold because I have tweaked the static position Right click Rotation , and chose revert to value Prefab The static Position is not the same as blender ! (in blender Trappe_C is constantly managed by armature) Run animation and look how the Trappe_C move during animation to Correct the glitch between static and starting animation just tweak Y rotation to manage the same position as the main starting animation in UNITY. And that all, all Key are created automatically But if you don't want export the armature, it's easy in blender use position created by armature to create Key on the part after that delete the armature. edit : Of course Actuator don't need animation because, in part CFG you can use MODULE (Fxlookat..), but it's just an example here, and for nested piston you have just to ADD the intermediate animation for the nested piston. Keep the two main part Piston and Cylinder managed by Constraint in blender, and for the nested part create key and position manualy to match the whole movement, it's easy only on one AXIS (Z for example, because it's the Fxlookat axis). I have forget this example sorry . (remake a nested piston for you ) Reworked the main actuator is now in 3 part (one nested piston) link actualized Edit 11/08/14 Added link for an another example of nested hydraulic cylinder ! (blender format only) I'm better to do this in 3DS by scrip or function, but for blender in this example I use again a Damper constraint an the intermediates cylinders are managed by KEYframe, but they are under Damper constraint too because you have only one axis to manage when you create the intermediate Key frame. @+ steph
  13. hello ! I test this in a pluggin : [KSPField(isPersistant = true, guiActive = true, guiActiveEditor = true, guiName = "Spring-Tweak"), UI_FloatRange(minValue = 0.0f, maxValue = 40.0f, stepIncrement = 0.5f)] public float MassSlider = 0.0f; I have some questions ? It's possible to have negative value for minValue and maxValue ? It's possible to drive minValue or maxValue by variable like : minValue = rangeInf ? Is that code need to be rewrite, on each segment in pluggin (like onStart or onUpdate), to work properly ? My problem : In sph the range work : I have (by right click) my range defined between 0 and 40. but in game, with plane is on runway, the range is modified to -20 to 20 . MassSlider is only declared one time by the code above, so I have no idea why Ksp change the range to -20 20 ! And other thing : For monodevelopp export , they particular thing to do or I keep just the default export setup ? voilàmerci thank you steph
  14. Bonsoir ! @UbioZur: (en espérant que tu n'est pas partis en vacance ) [KSPField(isPersistant = true, guiActive = true, guiActiveEditor = false, guiName = "SpringTweak"), UI_FloatRange(minValue = [COLOR=#0000cd]-5f[/COLOR], maxValue = [COLOR=#0000cd]5f[/COLOR], stepIncrement = 0.1f)] J'ai essayé d'attribuer une variable aux deux valeurs min max en bleu, MonoDevelopp me dit qu'il y a erreur ! Y a t'il un format particulier pour affecter une valeur par variable dans ce champ ou c'est juste numérique ? Edit : je ne veux démarrer un post dans la section pluggin, car je ne vais pas développer un truc énorme c'est juste pour voir, et j'aurais trop de mal en anglais de toute façon ! Edit :22h14 Fait que pouic dans KSP , c'est normal pour un début lol, pas de message d'erreur Mais c'est comme si y avait pas de pluggin, il est bien reférencé dans le CFG mais j'ai rien en clic droit sur ma part ? En bleu dernière modif sans effet (passé de Private a Public) Bon ben làva falloir aller jetter un œil dans les sources !! EDIT : 23h19 parce que pas d'erreur mais marche po : Je soupconne la plage de variation trop faible, sinon c'est toute la partie ou j'ai des doutes (voir code lol) Vessel's Mass et la mass d'origine de l'avion. et n'est pas modifié. Ah oui le pluggin marchait pas parce que j'avais pas repris le nom de la class (public class SprinGSetup : PartModule) pour enregistrer le plug qui était sous un autre nom. Edit : bon DODO lol ! Donc aucun effet sur la piste de plus un truc que j'arrive pas àexpliquer : La valeur du slider et compilée de -40 à+40 mais sur la piste elle est limitée à-20 +20 alors que dans le SPH j'ai bien la plage -40 +40 ?????? voilàpour ce soir c'est fun mais bien prise de tête surtout, allez c'est fun quand même lol. @+
  15. bonjours ! (c'est plus orienté plugin et clin d'œil àUbioZur) Suite àce qui passe avec le post de Cpt.Kipard, et le plugin jumbo et ce que je pensais faire pour mes deux trains. Sur la base de ce petit organigramme : Variable Possible Pour Sa, Sb, Sc * float TotalMass -> recupérer par Vessel.GetTotalMass * float MassSlider -> MassSlider = TotalMass (slider variable) * float MassSliderInf = MassSlider -5f -> determination de la plage du slider * float MassSliderSup = MassSlider +5f * vector3 VesselCom -> position du centre de gravité - position des trains besoin d'apprendre de quel type de valeur il s'agit transform ? besoin d'apprendre comment retrouver une part et determiner -si c'est un train d'attérissage -La maniére de gerer les trains par list * float FrontGearMassRepartition -> je pense a un pourcentage de masse * float RearGearMassRepartition * Bool initSpring -> pour initialiser onstart Peut-être mettre MassSliderInf et MassSliderSup en [KSPFIELD] -Avec Mon niveau actuel. Je regarde beaucoup comment sont fait les pluggins des autres j'ai une vue d'ensemble de comment ça marche mais pas la pratique. J'ai un fond mathématique qui me permettrait de faire le calcul avec quelque recherche pour me remémorer comment faire. Donc sur la methode Onstart il y aurait toute la partie initialisation creation variable, et calcul de mes deux valeurs de répartition avec quelque sous methode inialize. Probablement les deux méthode Onload OnSave pour garder la valeur du slider! Et aussi onUpdate pour actualiser lorsque le slider et utiliser. Ma conclusion : àce stade j'ai tellement de truc àapprendre que j'aurais probablement pas le temps d'aboutir, c'est pourtant le genre de chose que j'aimerais bidouiller en programation pour KSP j'adore ça. Mon constat je vais en rester làmême si je suis vivement intéréssé. Autre constation c'est un peu la même chose que pour FS, j'ai plus vraiment fait grand chose avec KSP (y jouer) depuis que je bidouille les trains c'est un peu comme boire ou conduire ........ @+
  16. thank a lot for this useful twitch party steph
  17. hi ! thank you very much ! Now,I thinking about lot of thing to do , but for me it's a long and difficult way...(need to learn plenty of things héhé) but it's great ! sometime just a little confirmation can provide a useful help .. KSP is a very cool platform for modding !! steph @+
  18. hello ! I 'm embarrassed I have no knowledge about plugin, for now I have just learned how to display some info by module, because they are some tuto about that ... But I'm looking very often in monodevelopp and how module are , I'm looking too in community plugin (like Github) (I have a little background with Java , my level is simple Brick-Breaker game ) and thank for the update, I replace the xml with the updated version, right now . @+
  19. hello, so it's possible to add a little module to tweak this parameter by [KSPFIELD] ? (give to me the opportunity to start study plugins) I demand that because unlike the stock gear small gear bay my gear is tweaked only for 20 t approximately , to have a functional suspension in this range of masse. In the same way do you think the Suspension Distance is accessible in game by [KSPFIELD] ? it will be useful if is possible to achieve one of my future plan if I have time . The plugin look promising bravo !! steph
  20. hello ! Oui ok pour ce que tu dis, Mais je les trouvent un poil renfermé tout de même, quand tu regarde les Mods et les fonctionnalités.. Il y aurait des trucs àintégrer prioritairement ! Et merci au sujet de mon train ça me fait plaisir, mon grand regret c'est de ne pas avoir découvert KSP un peu plus tôt. Pour revenir au principal sujet (Tuto et mod) je replace la photo que j'avais mis au mauvais endroit ! Pour vous montrez comment j'essaye de contourner les limitations d'animations -En fait pour le mouvement secondaire (flèche rouge), y besoin de rien faire c'est partie bouge -Sur la maquette le MAin ARM a sont centre de rotation sur la roue arrière. (pas comme sur l'image) J'ai réalisé un maquette sur cette base l'inconvénient c'est que la roue arrière dans certaines conditions semble figée, mais sous certains aspect ça marche pas trop mal.
  21. thank ! you (I have passed the part to standard version come only in PNG now, it's my choice, the MBM version loose to much details for Normal Map in the way how I manage my texture But for now PutFile is out, and I'm looking the free other hosting files) steph @+ Edit: Updated link, add putfile later if it work
  22. i will present just as simple viewer, i'm looking HocGaming now ! @+
  23. re ! Et ouais le manqué cruel d'info et surtout de vrai doc, mais parfois quelqu'un lâche un truc ou deux et ça aide ! Faudrait des vrais SKD comme Fly simulator dans le temps, comme j'en parlais auparavant, mais c'est du boulot et comme y bossent pour développer et améliorer KSP ben ça sera pas pour tout de suite ... Je pense que la quand Ksp sera en phase finale ils feront un peu de doc, le programme et vraiment souple quand même et accepte pas mal de truc je trouve . @+
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