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Sam Hall

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Everything posted by Sam Hall

  1. 7/29/14 - UPDATED VERSION OF MODULEMANAGER PACKAGED IN ZIP, UPDATED .CFG FILES FOR 0.24. NO OTHER CHANGES. 6/1/14 - OKAY APPARENTLY SPACEPORT IS DEAD NOW. RELOCATED TO CURSE. NO OTHER CHANGES TO MOD AT THIS TIME 10/18/13 - UPDATED FOR COMPATIBILITY WITH 0.22 Hey, you know this cockpit? It's got windows and instruments now Like TouhouTorpedo's Mk3 internal mod, this doesn't break compatibility with any of your savegame or craft files; nothing is changed or overwritten except the "INTERNAL { name = yaddayaddayadda }" line in the cockpits part.cfg. Get it here: http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/220927-mk2-cockpit-internals License:CC 3.0 Share Alike with attribution
  2. Okay, after staring at Unity so long that my vitreous jelly has started to curdle I have finally concluded that whatever's going on with the shadows, the problem's not with my mod. Or at least not SOLELY with my mod, as here we can see it effecting the stock MK1 cockpit: See? Sun straight ahead, shadows of the navball and other instruments straight down. I'll check around with some other people to see if they notice the same bug on their systems, but in the meantime I'm just going to disable shadows on my own cockpit and throw it up on spaceport. Enjoy! http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/mk2cockpitinternals/
  3. I've run into an extremely bizarre problem with a cockpit I've been building. Briefly: sunlight and shadow are not being projected in the correct direction in the IVA view. Here are some screenshots which illustrate the problem. Here, the sun is visible straight ahead, yet the shadows on the floor indicate that the light source is straight up. Here, the sun is visible straight up, yet the shadows on Bill's face indicate that the light source is straight ahead. Here, the sun is visible out the right window, yet the shadows on the canopy indicate that the light source is shining in through the left window. The sunlight is being projected as though the orientation of the whole scene has been rotated weirdly. Like the Z and Y axes have been swapped, and the X axis flipped. Obviously something is extremely wrong, but looking through my project I'll be damned if I can figure out what. All transformations were zeroed out before exporting. Nothing in the scene hierarchy is set to a negative scale. Everything that needs to be visible or clickable is on layer 16. What the hell gives? The only clue I have to go on at this point is this line from http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/27068?p=330439&viewfull=1#post330439 : That's talking about external parts though. Wings, engines, fuel tanks. In my experience, IVA stuff needs to be oriented +z BACKWARD, +x LEFT and +y up. Trying to arrange the scene with +z forward just ends up with both pilot and cockpit facing the rear of the ship. Is it just supposed to be different for IVA scenery? From tjitte's tutorial: So KSP requires that IVA geometry be oriented "on the z axis" (global z axis? local z axis? plus z or minus z?), and external geometry with +y forward? Maybe? Guys, help. I used to think I understood to make KSP parts but this is starting to corrode my ability to think rationally. I looked at a bunch of other mod IVAs to see if they suffer from this problem and it seems like most people deal with it by just turning "cast and receive shadows" off on all geometry. I think the stock Mk1 cockpit might have its lighting misaligned too, but it's hard to tell since its window's shadow is just kind of a big indistinct rectangle.
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