​Warning! Epiphany alert! Guys, I just thought of something. I realize that avoiding kerbals is going to be very hard and I don't want the ksp police to come after every battle, so I thought of a way around this. We don't have to get rid of the ksp police. Here is the idea: (warning it may be a bit dark, but it will justify everything.) 1) Kerban is in a state of depression. Currently the economy is very poor, making people take any job they can get and the government restrictions on jobs lowers, so there can be more jobs and the economy can be boosted. 2) This makes it so people would be willing to become part of our "military" especially when we all try to avoid killing. The poor economy can also help explain why the ships are so cheap! (AKA only pay cost of the ship and not launchers, and explains discounts!) 3) This means that we are able to do this, because it will create a whole lot more jobs and raise the need for scientists. Not to mention the expensive stuff being brought back! 4) This would help cause 2 things. a) We can do propoganda about each others corps to gain favor and more support, we can do "incidents" on kerban that stir up the heat for war and this adds a bit more competition, but mainly, because we want the better people on our side. This could lead into the creation of factions and stuff and not to mention into a entire story arc if we do it right (hint hint, wink wink, nudge nudge, kick kick, punch punch) Also note, that the corp personality doesn't create your whole personality, it is just your beginning stance. We are all still playing living beings (kerbals) and we can all be reasonable Start the propoganda plans and start the story arc writing!