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Everything posted by Morthgal_dwarf

  1. Yeah, I've switched over to solar panel bearings for now, but had a little bit of success with the little rovemax wheels, but the solar bearing is far better. I've got a plane that can move now too, but i don't think it will get off the ground, but haven't tested it as KSP crashed. I will probably switch to RCS bearings if it can't get in the air, but otherwise the solar bearings work, although it took me a while to fix the comms antenna popping out of the solar panels.
  2. Hmm, i don't know if i will have enough space for the retractable gear, as it is supposed to all fit within a mk1 structural fuselage. Ah, well, back to redesigning the center piece!
  3. Hey everyone! I've just got back into KSP, and wanted to make some things, and decided on a turboprop. I've got a design that can get up to speed (I'll post images if necessary), however the wheel's I'm using in the structural fuselage explode after a little bit of speed. I've had it reliably spinning before, but never at this speed. I haven't measured the RPM, but I'm guessing it's probably about 60RPM before, and now probably double that (although that might be wildly wrong). The wheels are the small steerable wheels, and I think that they are somehow going over the 325 m/s impact tolerance. Anyone got any ideas, or will images be necessary?
  4. Got one that can only just get 1400 m/s, but immediately explodes.
  5. KSP is the best game ever. Why? I only need 1 reason, but I'll list 3. 1) It's base game, as of now, is awesome. 2) The community is awesome, probably best I've seen. 3) The mods give the game even more awesomeness... I SHALL FOREVER SING THE PRAISES OF KSP.
  6. I know, I know, this is technically necroing, but I've just made a craft for my friend who isn't that good at KSP, and I want to use it (I've emailed a craft file missing the parts I don't have to myself). So please could someone give me the part directory so I can use it with the parts I need!
  7. Basically, back in 0.23 I downloaded tons of mods, which deleted some stock parts. What I need now is the stock part directory so I can add those parts back. If someone can do this for me, thanks! Cheers, Morthgal:D
  8. THE FEELS RJTAML. THE FEELS. Also, nice to have you as an writer! Also, people want to start the 1st act, so we should have an session some when in February. Should be 'bout, 10 or 11 AM.
  9. I was the only person that turned up, i didn't want to make any changes without people being there, so nothing has changed, as of my knowledge. (FIRST POST OF 2015 SON.)
  10. Sorry, put the wrong time, the writing session is 11am tomorrow!
  11. The writing session will be at 11am GMT/UTC on Monday 29th December!
  12. HO HO HO. Hope everyone gets many successful flights! And TONS of failures!!!!
  13. anyone think a writers session on the 29th would be ok?
  14. Class = DC(Destroyer Class) (thanks post above!) Name = Narcís Monturiol 8 (Name of the maker of he first sub and your subs amount of missiles.)
  15. We will be having a writing session after xmas, with a date confirmed when we find out whats the best time for most of the writers, but that is the general gist, yes.
  16. Also, after Xmas there will be a writers session, but I am not sure of the date as I want most of the writers there. Any suggestions?
  17. Erm, can someone clarify whats happening tomorrow at 11AM GMT? Haven't had any internet for the past few days, so dunno whats going on. I have read the posts but still confused. Morth PS: 200th Comment! WOOP.
  18. Heya people! I made a plane using some techniques I hadn't used before, and it turned out alright, in my opinion. I've not been able to land it, but I'm not that good at landings so... Anyways, i decided to share it with you people to get some tips! Operation Manual! Fly it like a normal plane, but when you stage [press space] IMMEDIATELY press 1! This turns off the retrograde engines. 1 toggles the retrograde engines. 2 toggles the jets. From here on out its for the BD Armory plane. 3 toggles the guns. 4 the bombs. 5 the countermeasures. http://imgur.com/a/f7ZjM Using a URL Because I can't get the IMG thing to work. Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ofdx7ggdj3hvw8j/ATPH-2%20Fighter%20Jet.craft?dl=0 Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1oqsoti855xa92a/ATPH-2%20Fighter%20Jet%20w_BDArmoury.craft?dl=0 The first one is for the Stock Plane Version, the second for the BD Armory Version. Later Peeps! Morth.
  19. 1. Thats pretty damn badass! Rep! 2. I'm kinda surprised that none of the debris hit the KSC or the crane!
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