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Everything posted by Morthgal_dwarf

  1. -> -> That there, is my reaction to those there images.
  2. Damn that's cool, although I'm not sure what mods are being used... I think, from observation, its Firespitter, KAS and, I think its called EVA Kerbals or something like that, i dunno.
  3. Wow, i was looking for this thread a few hours ago, then pops back up again! I am VERY happy!
  4. Name: Morthgal Job: Script Writer Why do you want this job: I've always like writing things, and I've always liked the arctic. Oh, and I like KSP! But seriously i like writing thangs. I have quite a twisted humour though, so expect there to be something a bit graphic! I'll make something tomorrow though, It's time for my 12 hour nap!
  5. Thanks! Don't know why it doesn't work with me... I'll have to do a little checking around!
  6. I'm fine with PWings but the rest I don't think are needed, but if so I'll add them! I've just found a mod called Retro-Future Planes, which I've added to the list now!
  7. Can anyone tell me where this is? I've looked but can't find it
  8. Hello Community! I thought that the community should have a small project... A WW2 community project! The basics are that people design boats, planes, cars and anything else from WW2. Some people can also set up scenarios from WW2. (E.G: Either build craft like buildings to bomb etc. Or use kerbtown to model buildings.... I would make craft. After people design these I shall make the scenarios film them and give em' to you lot! I know it sounds one-sided but hear me out. If you give me some film of say, pearl harbor in KSP, i may use it! Now then for mods allowed: Firespitter: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24551-Firespitter-propeller-plane-and-helicopter-parts-v6-3-4-%28July-27th%29-for-KSP-0-24-2 BD Armory : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85209-BDArmory-v0-5-1-Dev-Thread-%28small-fixes%29-Sept-3 Boat Parts R3, R4, R5 : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24845-Boat-Parts-0-24-2-R4-55 Infernal Robotics: http: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/37707-0-24-2-Magic-Smoke-Industries-Infernal-Robotics-0-18-6a Kerbonov (Cos its cool!): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66502-Kerbonov-Kn-2-Cockpit-Module Stryker's Cockpits Link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94142-Stryker-s-Aerospace-Restored-Cockpits-Corporation PWings: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29862-0-25-Procedural-Dynamics-Procedural-Wing-0-9 Retro-Future: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84054-v-25-RetroFuture-v1-6-3-Utilities-and-utilities I know there is more mods, but I can't remember them Also if someone wants to recommend a mod go ahead! I might add it! I already have a P-51 Mustang and a Messerschmidt Bf-109 but if you want to add your own version go ahead, it's probably better then mine... So anyway, go right ahead and make away! PS: If you have any advice i would love it PPS: <-- That's Funny PPPS: I may wait for 0.25 for destructible buildings Morth.
  9. So I decided to try. I'm still making prototypes but I am making it using JUST stock and firespitter. I've got the VTOL ready just need to balance it with the payload! I'll get some screenshot's up soon! Morf of The Community Mission Log Project! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/87255-Community-mission-log-project-Registration-Open PLUG MUCH.
  10. Claw Hi Morthgal_dwarf, It might help out your challenge if you were to post your own attempt. That might also help fill out your post from (what is essentially) a bump. You might also want to consider a unique way to approach your challenge. As opposed to simply "go from KSC to the place of your choice on Kerbin," perhaps come up with a unique thing like "go from KSC to the place of your choice on Kerbin using a rocket powered sled type rover." As it is now, your challenge is sort of the way science mode is already structured, and there are several rover type challenges. Good luck! ~Claw Thanks Claw! I'll take that in mind and add some extra challenges for things like this! Towards the own attempt thing i have a slight problem: my computer is to derpy to let me upload images... I'm in the middle of making a vid but it could take time because i need to buy a better editing system... I'M SUCH AN IDIOT. TJPrime Originally Posted by Morthgal_dwarf 4. It has to have at least 1 of: Mystery Goo Chamber, Science Lab and anything else to do with science! (I say this as i don't know if any mods add Sci-ency things and i could only remember those two!) Do we still need to add them in if we're on sandbox mode? I hope not :3 Not in sandbox! Oh and I won't add you to the leader board until i have video/screenshots proof for it. heh heh heh. Morth.
  11. Looking at the album and watching an Adult Jokes + Inappropriate Scenes when a scene showing Invader Zim. then he says Squeedlysqooch... DAFUQ?
  12. Cool! I may build a debris flinger that goes up to, say, LKO, launches a piece of debris and then get it somewhere, say, the Mun!
  13. Recently (5 Minutes ago) playing KSP i made a big plane. said plane fell apart upon launch. 3 hours game time later a single piece of debris has gone 47.3KM! So I ask you... HOW FAR CAN YOUR DEBRIS GO? Rules? Single piece of debris (not 2 + SEPARATE pieces) No special debris flingers (?)! From the main body not, say, a space station at Jool with the main body at Kerbin! I was not sure where to post this so i ended up choosing Challenges as i could kinda make it one.... Sorry if its a bit of a bad challenge, as i write this i'm have headaches and dizziness...(CERTIFIED BAD ASS) From Morf of the community Mission Log Project! SEE YA!
  14. Seems good! Might as well sign up for kerbonaut.... Name: Morf Kerman Strength(s): Flyin' Shizzle! Weakness(es): Errr... Designin' Shizzle? Most Ambitious Mission(s): Flying a rocket to the arctic circle, dropping of 2 rovers and driving for half an hour to the base 45KM away.... then doing it again. Or flying 5 planes there of which 3 nearly crashed because I can't really design good things!
  15. I would do this but i've got FAR... ill still try it tho!
  16. Had a quick go at this challenge... Then ended up creating a separate game file for the TON of planes i made! But here is my most successful plane! The Solar Craft Mk4! Mods: FAR and Firespitter ALL stock and Firespitter 3 Props if ya couldn't tell Top Speed about 251 M/S Here's some images on my steam account... Couldn't get em on the actual forum! http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197987867797/home If u can't get in than sorry! If u can help me get them on the forum that'd be good! Thanks! Morthgal
  17. Hello There! I present to you... the EK Challenge! (For science!) This challenge is to, in Career or Sandbox, make a rover and drive said rover to a place of your choice! (E.G: The North Pole.) There are some extra difficulties attached to this challenge: Easy Mode: go from KSC to the place of your choice on Kerbin. Medium Mode: Go to the Mun and drive to the place of your choice, then come back to Kerbin (You can use 2 ships one for landing one for return) Hard Mode: same as Medium Mode but go to Minmus after the Mun then return to Kerbin (3 ships allowed) Harder Mode: same as Hard Mode but then to Duna and back to Kerbin (4 ships allowed) Harderer Mode!: same as Harder Mode but then back to KSC, onto a new ship, or refuel, then to Eve and back to Kerbin (6 ships allowed) That is the modes, although I'm pretty sure Harderer Mode is impossible! (First to give me proof gets Hardererer Mode! But don't worry I'll release it to the public a bit later! You can also probably guess what it is...) Rules time! 1. No use of HyperEdit or other plugins that can teleport you around or give infinite fuel! 2. NOT, I REPEAT, NOT stock only! as long as you don't use something a warp drive or something similar! (Danny2462's Bird design IS allowed for transportation of the rover!) 3.Rocket engines can only be used as an assist, not as main power or something to fly with! (Its a Rover remember?) 4. It has to have at least 1 of: Mystery Goo Chamber, Science Lab and anything else to do with science! (I say this as i don't know if any mods add Sci-ency things and i could only remember those two!) Point System! This is only for the career mode, so if you plan on using SandBox you should probably only quickly skim through this! 10 points for every 1 science got! ( this is for overall including setting up for the challenge!) 10 points per 0.1 Km traveled! (This DOESN'T include through SPAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCEEEEEEE!!!!!!) -1 point per part used (INCLUDING LIFTER) 20 points for every 1m/s of your highest speed in the mission! ( This DOESN'T included the ships used for transport so keep an eye on that Nav Ball!) 5 points for each meter (or metre) above sea level at your highest point! (Doesn't matter what planet it is!) -5 points for each TIME a Tyre bursts (this can happen often though so i might lower it!) SPECIAL ROVER AWARDS! Wheel power only (if your stupid enough) Rocket power only! (turn of power to wheels basically.) ROCKET SLED Courtesy of Claw I think that's it! I'll add anything if and when I think of it or I find something I class as cheating! So get out there and get goin'! Adding video proof for myself soon... Morthgal
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