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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Although usually, it ends up just being stuff like this:
  2. Like it has been mentioned, the rocket parts could use a revamping. They lack a certain sleekness that is present in the space plane parts. When I am on a mission where looks don't matter, I will usually not care too much what parts I am using as long as my ship is efficient and functional. But, when I am building something to look a certain way, or for fun, or just kind of odd, I go all crazy on those space plane parts!
  3. Hey there Ival, getting pumped for the update? :D

  4. With the new atmospheric properties, I decided to put my old piloting skills to the test. The best way, of course, was a little game of Take-down. However, this was no easy feat, especially when flying at speeds upwards to 300 m/s! Here is a video link: Leave a comment if you have ever tried to control multiple aircraft at once!!
  5. I think I liked the more open wheeled design because it didn't deviate to far from other standard hypetrains. It still held onto the classic hypetrain look, we just gave it a little more of an aerodynamic touch with a dash of detail. Although, a fully streamlined, wheel covered engine sounds like a rather good idea
  6. Maybe you could also put up the files for the Hoopla Puff Jr. and other accessories?
  7. I would love to see how long it would last falling through the atmosphere after the new update!
  8. Once a lurker, Living in the shadows of the KSP Forums, watching and reading, enjoying the spoils, a parasite, out he comes. So yeah, hello... I joined the forums a while ago and I figured I'd start being a little more symbiotic. Hopefully more shall be heard from me~ Otterer.
  9. Congrats on your 100th post! Glad we could finally get this finished!
  10. Anyone know how to embed a gif in a post? Please help!
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