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Everything posted by Sky_walker

  1. Nice suggestion, I like it, especially the part about quick refuelling through the docking port, but I doubt it'll hit the game any time soon if at all.
  2. @2 - It should say: Budgets (might include multiple currencies) @4 - One is OMS (from space shuttle) another is vernier thruster. @7 - Not a new parts but rather improvements to the existing parts. @8 - It's not for a game. @9 - AFAIK Most (all?) of them are already in the game. Logos for the companies are a new thing. Companies themselves: not so much. In future before you make a compilation like that: It'd be good to check an exact quotes to make things right .
  3. Truth to be said: whole parts management UI needs to be reworked (or at least: improved) regardless if they add any new parts or not to the stock game. Now, back to the topic: B9 - no, thanks. It's a bloat of parts dedicated to pretty much only one topic: Aerospace. And for many people (if not the majority) - it's one of least important parts of the game.
  4. Skylab did have a docking port. No, it's not. There's an orbital construction capacity. Even if all you can do right now is using station to "hold" all of the components in place while you add them up in multiple launches and resupply it with fuel.
  5. They are planning IVA stuff. Mk parts were being worked on during last 4 weeks.
  6. I'll let experts decide that when the time comes instead of random forum folks. What I know for sure is that ISS exceeded it's expected life time and there is no worthy replacement on a horizon, so whatever it'd be worth or not is very debatable right now, and everything is fluid in terms of decision making about ISS future.
  7. Zarya was launched in 1998 with planned life time of 15 years. It was the first module of ISS and by that: It's original life span. As for the rest - I never said that ISS will have an infinite life span. Just that this whole talk about "rotating joints will be stuck" etc. is BS.
  8. Saving life on a planet. Assuming that war that follows will be only targeted at humans with little to no collateral damage to the environment. Life in the void universe is very precious thing, and humans prove over and over again not to give a s*** about it. Viewed objectively: we're basically a vermin that slowly consumes a planet. Killing off good 95% of human race would be highly advised from a perspective of alien spices. This would ensure long-term survival for a natural environment, while at the same time assure that there's enough humans to keep genetically healthy population. You think so? Let's take a look at a very distant history. Once upon a time we did encounter another intelligent spices here on our planet - Neandertals and lead to their extinction... ...but ok, let's take a look little bit closer: North and South America during Colonial era, how we basically killed vast majority of the population on two continents and now hold survivals in Indian Reservations. Or would you want to get even closer than that? Superstitions and racism lead to one of the greatest disasters in 20th century: Holocaust. And that's what we've done to our own spices. If any alien spices would ever found out about that - they'd be very inclined to wipe us out just for their own safety (as over time of co-existence we'd learn more about them eventually reaching a point where we'd become capable of inflicting significant causalities). It's not intelligence. It's fear. An invention of Mutually Assured Destruction is the only reason why we're still talking here now.
  9. No offence, but: I call that BS. ISS reached it's originally projected life span in 2013. And yet by some miracle it still works just fine. More than one will. We'll have at least one commercial station and at least one government-sponsored: Chinese. What we'll see on top of that: Only time will tell. But as far as I see: US focused supporting private investors, so NASA is being slowly pushed aside (we can't even tell for sure if SLS will accomplish anything more than 2 initial missions), RSA will re-use it's own components and set up something in style of MIR-2, ESA is more interested in automated facilities than manned space stations, JAXA along with CSA don't have money to build proper manned space station.
  10. as I already said: Never the less - trying to find a justification to using a debug menu by a fact that you can exploit bugs in the editor is rather ridiculous. If you care - then don't cheat and don't exploit. If you don't care - don't try to find some obscure and silly justification for what is done. I'm afraid that you can't really do the maths like that. Kerbal uses non-linear scaling for it's components and lines of components in real life have no direct relation to the lines of components in KSP. TL;DR: LFB got nothing to deal with Mainsail, nor KS-25x4 got to deal with Skippers.
  11. It's a forum with suggestions for a stock game, not mods. Stuff related to the mods goes here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forums/4-Add-ons
  12. These two things bother me most of all. Current system basically discourages you from doing anything that's remotely close to real life space exploration.
  13. It might be for a next patch. I honestly doubt their development cycle is so f**** up that they start a planning of a new features for 0.24 while it's already in experimental phase. Or rather: I hope...
  14. Should I wear suit while playing KSP now? Great news
  15. Ok, after reading the update I would say that we are at least over a week away from the release - if not over two weeks. Don't get too excited
  16. The fact that you can exploit bugs in editor means that using debug commands is not cheating? looooool. This does not compute. (woops, should be a reply to one of the earlier posts)
  17. Here is the dev note: Seems like it's mostly changes / fixes to the existing parts. I took a look back and it seems like he has been working on various improvements to the parts for a 4 weeks already, with some breaks during one of them for bugfixes. But keep in mind he is an intern so it might be not as many parts improved as it appears on a first glance.
  18. Nothing "forces" a revert. You just blame it on a small meteorite hitting your ship and send another mission
  19. For some - yes. For other - not really. I rarely have performance issues, and I'm yet to build something that would make my game unplayable (yep, I'm one of these guys that invested in their hobby) so I wouldn't be bothered.
  20. Complaining about complains, huh? If some part in the game doesn't allow you to do what you imagined - work around it instead of jumping into console. It's rather widely accepted that anything you create in the games using console (be it in KSP or anything else) is considered "cheating" so I have no idea why you are surprised to see people point it out. Should you care? I don't think so. If you find it fun and enjoyable to build your ships with a help of console commands - by all means: do it. As RIC pointed out - you should stop worrying about what others say.
  21. His inflexible rod would basically shatter in a moment it touches another one. Inflexible and indestructible rod is an impossible paradox. Good for cartoons, but that's pretty much where it ends.
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