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  1. Sigma88's post in Sigma Dimensions doesn't work at all was marked as the answer   
    SD v0.10.0 was for KSP 1.7.3 so it's not sure that it would work on 1.7.5
    you are using Kopernicus 1.4.5-17 but that is a backport that was not available at the time SD was released, so it could be the reason why it breaks
    I would suggest you to use 1.4.5-4 but I cannot be certain it will work since this was a long time ago
    I just tested 
    KSP 1.4.5
    Kopernicus 1.4.5-4
    MM 3.0.7
    SD 0.10.0

    with this setup SD works
  2. Sigma88's post in Is it possible to make the pulses that pulsars give off in KSP? was marked as the answer   
    as far as I know this is not possible with kopernicus alone, you would need to write a dll for that I suppose
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