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Everything posted by CaptainTurbomuffin

  1. Well, if you look at the 1.1 screenshots carefully, you might discover that the old cockpit is still being used, on the image where the little engine is introduced.
  2. In my opinion, there are too many items in the staging UI, altough the right side, where it is in the map mode, is empty, I usually add mod instruments there. I am satisfied that it is just fine in the map mode. (if you wouldn't know, in the map, you can see them, after clicking the crew info, at the right side of the map mode screen. Just because someone suggested this before, because he didn't know that it can be seen in map mode)
  3. Definiely no. An ION engine wich is as strong as a nuke... The point in ION engines is that you can get incredible efficiency from consumed fuel, but it has a wery low TWR, due to the need of large, heavy solar panels, and due to the low thrust. So you are incredibly efficint, but you have to wait for ages for any burn to complete. A such ION engine you desire should be at least size 2 or 3, and it should have lower stats(maybe not TWR, definitely not, but ISP, requied electricity, ect.). I don't know why, but using size1 stuffs is a lot more op than using size2stuffs. The same here.
  4. You mean consoles are not existing? Another conspiracy theory?
  5. Now that I think about it... That's the only button that I click onto... If I do... Mostly I just recover the emergency landed planes right after they stop...
  6. That's it! Exactly! If current planets were redone properly, you wouldn't need even more planets, as you would go to Minmus or Duna several times, and you would find something new every time.
  7. IMO, most IVAs should be redone, so that you can have a proper vision, even witouth sticking you head onto the window. If the point of view was closer to the window, and there was a smaller, tighter instrument panel at the wery bottom of the sight, you could have a vision better than ever before, while seeing all instruments. Currently, you can only see a large panel full of large instruments, and the windows are just letting in some sunlight, so that you can see the instruments.
  8. Interesting... I found it surprising in a positive way. I was happy that I don't have to wait so much, unlike with solar panels. Insead, how about increasing the deploy speed of solar panels?
  9. A lot of people suggested suggestions about fixing this. My favourite is a slide-open cargo bay. Maybe also have a button in the editor that toggles side-open and slide-open.
  10. Also, please add a 2m booster! Maybe in the NASA-style? Anyway, a 2m booster, that you can entirly use for the gravity turns! A massive SRB for massive payloads! That could replace the Kickback-clusters! The MOTHER OF ALL BOOSTERS! Nothing you can't solve with it! High tech, but harder, better, faster, stronger!
  11. The BJE is currently a very-low, slow, small, weak engine, but it has perfect efficiency. It is only used with small atmospheric planes that you use to visit places of interests. Even at 4Xwarp, it takes so long that I nearly never use a such weak engine.
  12. This has been suggester many times. I don't know wether they would help, but if due to balance reasons, their other stats will be reduced, I wouldn't like that. Also, I am up for new boosters. Basically, most problems can be solved by adding more boosters! AWESOME
  13. I don't think even more planets and moons should be made. The game principles have to change first, and beyond that, instead of new celestial bodies, the current ones should be refined, as there isn't much you can do currently. Also, how would that work with contracts?
  14. I don't know... We should need some more reasons to build rovers, something more than simply miners. Or else noone would upgrade it.
  15. I will soon post a suggestion thread about balancing airplane engines. And nukes. Currently I am working on a test-mod of it. The fuel ratio is unrealistic, and bad, but if it was changed right away, the whole spaceplane-system would have to be re-balanced. 1m parts were never over-fueled. In fact, an 1m part has exactly the quarter fuel of a 2m tank, with the same height. Dry aircraft tanks are lighter than dry rocket tanks with a reason. In past, with the old mk.3 parts, this ratio was even worse. Not only for the fuel tank should get a tweakable, but all parts. But hey, I tried to build a nuke-powered interplanetary craft, and I used the 1 m LF fuselage. The craft became awesome (in sight, not in performance)
  16. I think this thread will be locked down soon, unless you change the title to something like "Add stock hinges" Anyway, if you are thinking in an STS-like shuttle, the shuttle-engine-angler I previously suggested might be a better choice.
  17. I have edited. I tought it's obvious that it is not havig as much thrust so that it can be used as a mid-or-lower stage engine. Analog with the Terrier and the Poodle.
  18. Tweakables for parts, and part name/tag searcher. This could allow more parts to be added. Something like tweakscale, but it would switch to another existing. Not only size, but functionality could be changed.There could be 3 options: diameter; size; usage. These are all obvious, expect for usage: for rockets: SRB, Lower-stage, Mid-stage, Upper-stage, Nuke, and radial. With planes: Basic jet, Turbojet, RAPIER, ect. And new parts? 2m nukes, all nukes nerfed in a different way (not by lowering TWR) (I will make a suggestion thread of this soon) 3m upper-stage engine. Great efficiency, but no ugility stuffs such as gimbal or power gen. *Edit: lower thrust. Maybe 1000? You know... Analog with the terrier and the poodle. scramjet (I will renew the old thread and update my test mod soon)
  19. Wait... The icon at the botom left says winter owl. That winter owl who did the Starcaft 2 overlord-smoke screen?
  20. Currently my only entry here. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/131070-The-weekly-spaceplanes
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