Hello! Have been playing Kerbal Space Program for a while now and I have become very proficient in Orbits, Mun Landings and the like but with this new patch and persistence of space debris i would like to keep space as clean as possible but still have satellites. Now my best method so far is to have a first stage which gets me to a half way house so to speak, if i don\'t like the way the orbit is going I can abort if I do I can proceed, the stage after this burns to make my orbit cyclical, I then jettison this stage with retro burners (from Silisko\'s MOD) to get it as far away as possible and there you go, one satellite in orbit. However that second stage is still there following along not too far behind. I have tried a similar solution by putting the satellite in the middle but I am still left with the previous stage in orbit. I have not attempted strapping a satellite to the side of something yet because I feel it may become to imbalanced and having not killed Bill, Jeb and Bob yet I don\'t want to now! =P Any ideas, tips or tricks? Cheers Mini