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Everything posted by Fire-Dragon-DoL

  1. So this guy can't lift off, damn. Probaby more wings considering the TWR is ok, but it's getting somewhat insane.
  2. Oh THAT'S A CARGO BAY, I thought it was fuel! I can definitely confirm, we need a new engine for this beast. Or we make a very small spaceship like the first one.
  3. Are there anything something like a "lift calculator"? It's quite hard to calculate how many wings I need to keep this fat guy in air
  4. Need a few suggestions, where did you put the rear wheels? It's a bit hard. Also, on the first picture, how did you stack 2 mk2 tanks one over another? It's very weird shaped (p.s. the first screenshot is really cool O.o) The second guy is a big fatty beast, but that's definitely a great space station refueler, which is what I'm aiming for
  5. I'm having a few troubles, expecially even with micro amount of fuel, I find myself missing THRUST. I'm experimenting with rapier engines, but I really miss enough thrust to even lift off this guy... Any suggestion? Did anyone try to build a spacecraft with those pieces? I would like to avoid applying simple rocket engines, defeat the entire purpose
  6. I have a few troubles with Verion, I managed to load it only in 64 bit version. Not sure why, I tried multiple combination (notably disabling everything except verion, keeping kerbol expansion and verion). Aside from that, I love this. Any mod suggestion to make planets look even more cool? This thing adds an insane amount of gameplay to this game... I'm so happy
  7. I've solved this, somewhat! Basically, the issue is related to the texture not loading and such. However, planetfactoryce is not SO bugged, only their space systems are. I'm using Kerbal Universe 2 (which has the Kerbol Expansion, same basic planets from planetfactoryCE), basically you install PlanetFactory, delete everything EXCEPT the DLL (and, in theory, the file Logo_small.png, but it's not required), install kerbal universe 2 and you are done, you can visit new planets which will load textures. I'm finally on Ascension and I can see the floor. I suppose comboed with KSP interstellar, this will add thousands of hours. Also notice that I'm playing it on 0.90 One important note, Kerbal Universe 2 has "Squad" directory which is very important, fixes issue you might have when clicking on buildings if you install planet factory ce and not ksp universe 2
  8. Are there any place where I can find pre-compiled version of planet factory CE? I don't want to download unity just to compile it...
  9. I found a few suggestions on Kerbal Universe 2 http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/222534-kerbal-universe-2-0-24 (in comments), maybe those can fix. I didn't try, I wonder if it works with 0.90
  10. Crap, while I appreciate flying toward new world, I really hate the fact that I can't view them once I'm near, sigh.
  11. Does anyone know why the new planets (specifically the comet named "Ascension") are completely dark when you land on them? I can see them fine in the map, but when I land, they are completely dark, from my point of view it's like if the texture is not loaded.
  12. Hi guys, this is my first topic, here I present my very first SSTO that managed to reach Laythe. In theory, it can come back to (has 6000 delta v on LV-N, but I use a small part of it for the final part to LKO). It came up with a nice design, so I decided to share. Unfortunately my first trip was just a test, so I didn't even used the optimal window for Jool transfer (and make a mess when coming back from Laythe) so I needed a refuel during my trip (it happened when orbiting around Laythe, after landing and coming back). Some pictures: And here is the craft: .craft file Zipped version (smaller) Action Groups: 1 - Toggle Jet engines 2 - Toggle LV-N 3 - Deploy parachutes placed on back (to slow you right before touching down) 0 - Lower stairs 9 - Toggle all air intakes 8 - Toggle solar panels Few notes: - It has a docking port placed under it, control from there and use RCS to dock - It has 95 monopropellent and RCS to perform docking - Try to reach 2000+ m/s when in atmosphere (roughly around 30 000) with jets, keep going as long as possible by lowering speed but turning on LV-N, around 2300 you'll be out of Kerbin atmosphere - It flies terribly on Laythe due to thin atmosphere, but I discovered it once there. Try to keep your nose over 15° or it will spin (it's recoverable though) - Can perform few experiments (placed under nose) - Carries 2 Kerbals! - While taking off, keep S pressed, it will take of almost at the end of the launching pad, it just need some speed. It will take off before it's finished, so for me it's fine - Should have roughly 5500 delta V from LKO Improvements: - Something about fuel - Solar panel must be placed both up and down or even better on side of wings so they are always hit by sun
  13. Man, I just want to greet you and thanks, this great mod is helping me a lot keeping all mods organized. If it can reduce your work, you can just use links to zip file instead of managing github/curse/blahblah by yourself. Whatever, I must admit is a very well done piece of software. GOOD JOB!
  14. Thanks blizzy, I definitely would love to see this plugin too.
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