I've solved this, somewhat! Basically, the issue is related to the texture not loading and such. However, planetfactoryce is not SO bugged, only their space systems are. I'm using Kerbal Universe 2 (which has the Kerbol Expansion, same basic planets from planetfactoryCE), basically you install PlanetFactory, delete everything EXCEPT the DLL (and, in theory, the file Logo_small.png, but it's not required), install kerbal universe 2 and you are done, you can visit new planets which will load textures. I'm finally on Ascension and I can see the floor. I suppose comboed with KSP interstellar, this will add thousands of hours. Also notice that I'm playing it on 0.90 One important note, Kerbal Universe 2 has "Squad" directory which is very important, fixes issue you might have when clicking on buildings if you install planet factory ce and not ksp universe 2