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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. is there a way I can make my own custom colors for this mod?
  2. ok I will post it up later. and wasnt something mentioned about the Kosmos mod causing incompatability
  3. so I need to post the output log here to find out what is causing my issue?
  4. I also have the Kosmos mod installed, is there something special i need to do to get it to work properly?
  5. so how do I change the size of the fairing bases? I can get the interstage bases to change size just fine
  6. The Dragon Space Station on my modded sandbox world: http://imgur.com/a/5AuEv#0 Edit:I have no clue on how to get the imgur album to show up on the post
  7. Is the WEKA Lifeboat included in the Mediafire link in the post right before this one?
  8. Module Manager? I am not familiar with it, and in fact I am pretty sure I do not have it
  9. I have had a coupe issues with this mod. The first I noticed was a seemingly incompatability with Goodspeed Aerospace Parts. when I first installed this mod, some of the parts of the Goodspeed mod were made invisible the second is a tendency to crash the game. granted, I was using it with a fairly good list of mods, I will try running only this mod and see what happens. what mods are known to be incompatable with this mod? other than those issues, this looks like a really cool mod, I would love to have some soyuz type capsules.
  10. Hello everybody, My name is Clay, I am from Kansas, and I just bought KSP about 3 weeks ago, and I love the game. I have a small youtube channel (EpicDragon7 on youtube) that I post some KSP videos on. I really enjoy mods as well.
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