The Story In the KSP 64-bit thread, where Lilleman showed us how to use KSP with 64-bit, gpisic noticed that when forcing the game into using OpenGL instead of the standart Direct3D as rendering system, KSP uses significantly less memory.For example, I use 70 mods, resulting in a 2GiB GameData folder, and normal 32-bit, and get the following memory usages: Direct3D: Crashes while loading at about 3,223,600K ≈ 3.07GiB OpenGL: 2,266,200K ≈ 2.16 GiB Difference: 0.91GiB You see: By switching to OpenGL I could save almost a whole GiB of memory and get my KSP to start with all my mods! In the following Instructions I explain how you can switch to OpenGL too and play KSP with all your mods, without the still quite buggy 64-bit, compressing your textures to the point where they look utterly ugly, or installing Linux (well, you should do that anyway )! Instructions If you use Steam, simply right-click Kerbal Space Program in your Library, click "Set launch options..." and put in "-force-opengl". You have to start the game out of steam (or the start menu) for this to work, if you start the KSP.exe manually it will ignore your Steam launch options!Otherwise, or if you don't want to start through Steam, open your Kerbal Space Program folder, right-click KSP.exe, select "Create shortcut", and put "-force-opengl" in the "Target" field after the quotation marks, with a blank in between. You can now put that shortcut where you need it, e.g. onto your desktop. Alternatively, if you want to start KSP through the start menu, right-click on Kerbal Space Program in there, and put the "-force-opengl" at the end of the "target"-field, again with a blank in between. (This does not work if you have the Steam version, as the start menu link then links to Steam) Survey I made a survey where you can tell us about your OpenGL experience using Google Forms. If I get enough answers I will put some graphics here to show how well (or badly) OpenGL works.Click here to take the survey. Please try to fill in as many questions as you can. If you save the link you get after sending your answers you can edit them afterwards, but please don't do it more than once! Click here to see the results of the survey. Thanks Thanks to gpisic for noticing this and Lilleman for the 64-bit hack!