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Everything posted by Abalash

  1. This might be a shot in the dark, but.. I've been trying to build a new modlist for myself, and SCANsat seems to not play very nicely with others. I've isolated it to be the culprit of a weird bug where the text won't appear, nor the Esc menu, while launching a rocket. If anyone has experienced this and knows a workaround, lemme know! I have no idea which mod it's conflicting with, and I don't want to go back and forth figuring out which one conflicts with SCANsat. I have a hunch it's SETI or deadly re-entry. Who knows! Anyways, thought I'd leave this open-ended here
  2. Yeah I was feeling a little stressed because I don't normally use a ton of mods =) but I appreciate it! I ended up using a different set of mods instead. The tech tree was acting funky after this installation as well, but if you had no troubles with it, it was probably something I did somewhere. Thanks!
  3. Hey I was wondering if anyone could help me install this whole pack together with clear and concise instructions. I apologize for contributing with the flood of tech support, but the instructions are very unclear and seemingly out of order. (I'd be happy to help clean this post up if we can figure this all out together!) My first problem was: installing the "essential" mods requires multiple ModuleManagers. Should I just use the one this mod requires, even if it is outdated? Where do the "RPL Tweak Pack" files go? (step 3a). Some in this rar file seemingly require placement in different areas, but I just put them in the gamedata folder besides the remotetech settings. I should be able to figure out what to do from there. I appreciate the support, and I hope this is the right place to post this!
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