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Dun Kirk

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Everything posted by Dun Kirk

  1. I think it'd be nice... that if you have say a hitchhiker and a cupola attached, you could click the doorway and move to the cupola. I assume with upcoming tweakables you may be able to move crew around parts hab parts without having to eva. But they didn't stipulate that, it may be the ground work.
  2. I think feed back is useful. As others say the devs can't get into arguments over stuff, every-time someone says "I want Gas Giant 2 now!!!". I have to say given what they say "will" come in .23 I'm surprised there is not more chatter.
  3. is that radioactive squid in the trailer how krakens are made?
  4. "not necessarily returning" Ah I see what you did there... a place holder for the "coming soon" mining rigs?
  5. Duna, Moho and Vall have effectively 2x the Mun gravity. Duna is fairly easy with the atmosphere, but the other two? Would this design be ok or would I need drop tanks? Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  6. I wish RCS tanks were in command, just so I'm not scrolling so much through propulsion I think xenon is so useless but for probes and its currently high up the tech tree
  7. I like the idea of a tougher grind, but my current experience is the spam transmit, so if I like tougher, I'm not sure. Not sure how landing hard is a good thing? More like more efficient launcher/trajectory gets you better tech. What the skills of kerbals themselves have is unclear yet. It'd be nice gold shirts can do more technical surveying.
  8. it'd be nice to have a laser pointer thingy, which shines a croshatch/target that way you can see where your port is relative to the target. could be used for landing to. at present the lights seem weaker than previously.
  9. the game devs I guess are still in debugging mode. I seriously don't get the logic of not having a clickable science dude who tells you random facts like "ISP = fuel efficiency" and "less is more, but not when space tape is involved" this game needs a fact sphere.... ^ ^
  10. So if I strapped nukes and jettisoned the mainsails, this set up would be "slightly" better. I just want to build a core interstellar craft without wobbles. How many is too many nukes?
  11. I've dragged my launch stage up into orbit by draining everything dry. Would this make sense to refuel and use to boost off to interplanetary? (This is my way of getting around having to dock *wobbley* things together.) Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  12. nice I took the stock one an edited it slighty (yay me )
  13. space station = camper I think it'd be nice to have a 2m master science part, which contains all the science stuff.
  14. my saves were not broken, the game just progressively get unstable for me
  15. * bump * I'd like this feature and the ability to hide each group in map view.
  16. its a planned feature, the uncontrollable building is mission control which will give you missions and budget. KSP will be a purely peaceful, "achieve geosync-K orbit for 10k", not military.
  17. put a silver tank under them .... the orange tanks retain heat it says in the description.
  18. I think if we wish to transmit surface samples, then they should add a part you have to research which does the analysis, or add it as a feature to say the lander can and tri can. That said they indent to add IVA? so wether you get to spash mun rocks yourself I don't know.
  19. Apart from probes are Ion engines worth attaching to standard space craft? Ie having 2x nukes and 2x Ion. Thanks
  20. Suggestion: Radar alt / Gee-force, switch on press Currently the Gee-force is barely used. Being able to switch to the radar-alt, mean that you are not switching your vision between your navball and a "sea level" alt read out, which can be grossly out. (probably been suggested since day 1) I assume eventually you wind up paying lawsuits if the grav needle goes to high I guess
  21. I have on multiple occasions imagined the master alarm sound from apollo 13, when an engine shears off. Thumbs up. They do plan to have voices in game, so I would me nice to have a radar range count down. Atm you have to be in the IVA to see it...
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