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Everything posted by thyriel

  1. I think the starting KSC location is none of the launchsites at all, at least a flag placed there looks like being ~100km NW of kennedy space center, and clicking the kennedy space center changes the visual area around KSC edit: That could only be the case for Linux (and perhaps mac), windows can't differ between upper and lowercase in filenames
  2. Thanks But isn't much of a problem if the png's are just mirrored that works pretty well. Something else i noticed that is more of a problem: When i switch launchsite i can't click tracking station, admin building and launchpad anymore. Removing the last launchsite from savegame makes it clickable again, but only until next launchsite change. Seems that's happening with normal sized too when i tested it with that. Tried around 10 launchsites and it happened for all. Doesn't make any difference if those are non upgraded or fully upgraded buildings.
  3. Thanks. Are they mirrored for you too or only me having that problem ? edit: Two screenshots showing the problem. Custom Biomes map window shows them as they should be, but all are mirrored http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=359698414 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=359700369 edit2: Jool's biomes aren't loaded too but renaming Jool's files like mun's didn't work. Any idea on that ? For the mirror problem: I just mirrored the png files now. That fixed the problem. And normal RSS is loading the biomes, not as i said before. It just seems custom biomes isn't working in space center where it still shows stock biomes with the new debug option.
  4. Any idea why i still have stock biomes ? (CustomBiomes Folder from RSS plugin is in GameData) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=359588284 edit: Interestingly, if i use normal RSS it has stock biomes. When i use my 1/10th size config it has earth biomes, but they are mirror-inverted some others i checked meanwhile: Moon: stock biomes Venus: Biomes are mirror-inverted Mars: mirror-inverted
  5. Yup, that works pretty well. Accept 5-6 satellite contracts, get one up with some spare dV to fly around a bit, do all contracts with one satellite
  6. For Moho loading: Open RealSolarSystem.cfg and correct the typo in it's HeightMap Link, (MercuryHeght.png should be MecuryHeight.png) - but i think that effects only non DDS texture installations. edit: That's not true. A 8k texture clean install on windows does hit the limit if you don't use DDS textures, DDS loader and openGL edit2: If you use DDS textures, install DDSLoader so it doesn't get stuck at loading Moho. It's not in Plugin archive somehow.
  7. You're right, no real life SSTO yet and only two in development (Skylon and Kankoh-maru). A lot cancelled and /or failed SSTO projects where around, but none made it so far out of design phase.
  8. I think i really need to try these days an apollo style mission only in IVA without using the map Would be interesting having a mod that displays nodes as pure numbers instead on the navball...
  9. Playing around some days now with it, and i think overall it's balanced. I don't know what the goal is for default settings, but if they aim for players that played science/sandbox mode before and know the basics, then it's not too hard or too easy. If it's aiming completely new players (which should be easy settings in my opinion) then it's overall too hard.
  10. Useless ? It's great now. Perfect for satellite contracts... It needs the reaction wheel that was pretty useless before (never used a small one once i had bigger ones)... And you have the choice, fly it yourself (which isn't too hard) or build a manned mission to deliver the satellite
  11. and they could be made useful with follow up contracts, like repairing them with a technician
  12. magico13, have you yet thought about altering the maximum part count in VAB/SPH with the mod ? Having like 33 instead 30 parts would help a lot balancing things again as the 30 part limit is pretty much what you need to get to mun or so, it's ending then with either flying to mun or recovering stages with all the additional parachutes. It's just, i'm finding myself more and more not using it because of the part count limit
  13. You know you can just change the upgrade prices with the "funds penalty" slider custom difficulty options ?
  14. Somehow the idea sounds like an integration of "Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager" into kerbal space program I like the idea (i sometimes even play the SPM and then between fly the missions in KSP ^^), but i think it would rather be a very nice mod then something integrated into the main game.
  15. With all the new contracts (satellites, bases, fly there and send a report) i think spacecenter's UI could need some improvements to be more user-friendly 1) The category icons for ships / bases / probes / etc.: Some more categorys would be a huge improvement. It's becoming confusingly with all that "probes" and "bases" around from contracts. At least satellites or a "commercial" category would be great to be able to sort things out a bit. 2) It's fine that we see the available contracts like place satellite or so in the space center. But it's a lot switching between contracts and spacecenter to see what on the map is witch contract (how does it pay, what things do i need to bring there). For active contracts it's working fine with the small contract icon in the bottom right corner, but it would be great if a click on a spot / orbit in the spacecenter from an offered contract opens a small contract window with details, and ideally would let us accept the contract right there. 3) Please a filter for the active contracts being shown and the offered contracts, so we can hide both separately
  16. Would have a suggestion for career mode with mechjeb: - currently mechjeb overrides the spacecenters functionality of not being able to make maneuver nodes (spacecenter lvl0) - thought it would be cool if we could play it "retro style" until the spacecenter has been upgraded: mechjeb not showing a maneuver node, but instead just giving us the direction, deltaV and burntime needed
  17. then use a simpler ship lol -.- cost efficient building is the keyword for a successfull space program
  18. It's doable without upgrading any buildings to get to mun and back, so i think for hard mode it's fine when people can upgrade buildings later and need to build very efficient rockets to succeed. It would even work building interplanetary unmanned landers (If you know how to make transfers without spacecenter upgrade)
  19. That sounds strange to me. They pay for 30-40k or so, and an orbitable ship costs 12-14k at max.
  20. Don't know where you could get the 0.25 files now, but KSP on steam has no DRM. I just copied the whole KSP folder somewhere else before it installed the update so i can still play RO/RSS.
  21. That would definitly be great +1
  22. @thereaverofdarkness: did you do that rendezvous or just theory ? Sounds interesting at least, i'll give it a try or two tomorrow since your already cheating, you could just edit your savefile and give you all the money you want -.-
  23. It's somewhat even harder in my experience missing mun's SOI then hitting it ^^
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