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Posts posted by thyriel

  1. A good fix in my opinion would be enhancing missions so they need to be assigned to a pod or kerbal before launch. Allow transfering them via pods / kerbals so flights that are built together in space still work, but it would not only prevent finishing missions with things already at the target, it would too make the missions tab during flight more lucid.

    Btw the whole reputation / science / money gain needs some kind of balancing-love... I'm meanwhile playing on hard setting, reduced rep and science gain to 50%, and it still feels pretty easy. The begining is challenging, not much place for exploding rockets until you get to mun. But once i was there (without the repeating missions cheat), i am again at the point where my science is high enough to get to Jools moons, rep is nearly at max, and money is high enough so that i can fail at the next 8 big rockets launches without getting into problems. Not sure what the goal is of career mode, but currently it feels like "race to the mun and win" - and that's not something that can be balanced with the options slider, if i reduce the income even more, it just becomes unprogressable at the begining. (my above solution for repeating missions would make that more balanceable too in my opinion. When missions are assigned to a spacecraft, the game could handle loosing or recovering a pod with an unfinished mission as a minor failure - mission should still stay open, but it would cost us reputation)

  2. Got 2 missions open that seem not to be solveable:

    * Test Hydraulic Detachement Manifold orbiting Kerbin

    * Test TR-2V Stack Decoupler on an escape trajectory out of the mun

    KSP Version: (x64)

    On both missions all the status needed are marked as ok (Orbit / Escape Trajectory, Altitude and being near Kerbin / Mun). Despite i could have run the tests on the parts, none of them have a rightclick-menu option to perform the test nor does using (=decouple) perform the test. Can't definitly say if that affects all decoupler missions, but seems like it when both don't seem to work at all.

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