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Everything posted by J3ansley

  1. This seems to have changed for me too. Now I need to always have sepratrons and sometimes I need to stage them prior to the decouple or double up on them. I didn't use them before (.24)
  2. Hello, I'd like to offer my $0.02 worth of thought on KSP. I haven't seen much on my specific ideas so hopefully it isn't just a rehash of everyone else. 1. I'd love a means to delete/recover multiple things in the tracking station at once. Much like how my computer allows me to select multiple files to throw away in the Recycle bin I'd love to be able to select multiple debris and destroy or recover it. It's super super fun to click the item, click destroy/recover, and then click again to confirm X25 or whatever you may have your debris settings at. 2. Contracts. Personally I like them. If you don't do anything to them I'll be happy as a clam. It seems a lot of people don't like the testing of parts in strange flight regimes. I like it. If I were the boss I guess to address this issue I would make it a semi linear progression for parts testing. For example, take the Mainsail engine. Instead of the first test being test flying over Kerbin at X altitude and Y speeds, have it landed Kerbin. Then the next test could be flying at a low altitude and weird speeds, then medium/sub orbital/ orbital at various speeds. Theoretically, this will give it a feel for a real test program. You would have 5 or 6 "test missions" for each part. I would think these could still be procedural? I don't know, I can barely spell programming let alone program. 3. Science. As a noob I really loved the first discovery of how to science and learn new parts. I thought the pace of it was great. As I get better and more experienced I can see why people want more difficult science progression. I'm only on my 3rd save and have never been outside Kerbin's SOI. I can't grind all the science in 4 launches. I'm just not good enough. It takes me quite some time before I can unlock enough tech just to dock. So, basically I'm asking/hoping that the science difficulty remains the same for us stock newbies and if we want more difficulty then we can mod it. As there are already at least 2 mods for more difficult tech trees/science games. 4. For a mod, I'd love to see Life support remaining time for my Kerbals. I use TAC and understand why it went to 1unit = 1 Litre and prefer that but I do miss the ease of looking at the resource panel and seeing 80 units of Life Support which meant 80 kerbal days of life. I guess I hope that Kerbal Alarm Clock or Kerbal Engineer Redux adds it in somehow. This being implemented in stock would be silly of course. Sorry for the ramble and yet another view concerning Contracts.
  3. I regularly do what Blind Dead McJones does. The trick is to go back to single symmetry when you place the upside down four to one adapter. I generally don't bother with making sure the 4 nukes are oriented correctly so they always do damage when activated due to the ejection of the shroud. But it seems to not affect anything.
  4. My plan for this build/save as they are adapted: Kerbal alarm clock Kerbal engineer Kethane Kerbal attachment system Extra planetary launch pads Notes Remotetech2 Tac life support Universal storage Deadly reentry
  5. To be fair, it was making looking at the rest of the forum painful with 502's. And it probably helps to have the last locked message be "no update today" for people who might miss it when it jumps another 8 pages of HYPE HYPE HYPE explosions etc.
  6. I can quit anytime I want to. I don't have a problem. No. No problem.
  7. Hello, I'm mostly a lurker but thought I'd say hi. I bought this game v23.5 and love love it. I run KER, KAC and Kethane. I downloaded RemoteTech 2, Shipmanifest, LifesupportMod, KAS and Notes but will wait to implement them till I can return all my kerbals and have no more need to control my probes that are scattered out and about. I love the pace of learning in this game. It's fantastic. Mostly, the problem solving. I'm 43 days from my first interplanetary mission and it's been a blast trying to design, determining required skills, and learning those skills. Such as, learning how to dock so I can just drop off a lander/land/rendezvous at a moon and carry on etc. Anyway, hi!
  8. I don't really follow the house, car or tires analogy. In each case you list, the purchaser is typically not allowed to use the item at all. If Squad said, you can't download at all or this was a pre-purchase type deal then yes they would all apply. Since, I was able to immediately download and play I feel like i moved into my house and I can see what sheetrock needs to be finished and whatnot. Luckily, they allow me to go to Home Depot and pick up additions to how I want my house to be and I can change it as I see fit while they fine tune my plumbing and electrical. Plus, I bought my house for half off! I am just trying to say I am having trouble finding validity in your complaints. Especially when you say you are happy with the product you currently have.
  9. This is fantastic. I'd give you rep but I'm too new to. I may have missed it, but on fuel critical missions do you prefer Mun over Minmus or vice versa?
  10. I put The Financial Frontier but I like "No Free Launch" the best.
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