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Posts posted by parachutingturtle

  1. Just putting this here in case anyone else runs into the same issue:
    EVE didn't work for me, and then I realized it was because I used the mod "QuickStart". That mod skips the main menu. Since you can see clouds on Kerbin in the main menu background, my guess is EVE probably does some initialization there, and if you skip it, it won't work. So I uninstalled QuickStart and everything is fine :)

  2. Imagine buying a set of legos. But this set was made by Take-Two Interactive, so there are a few pieces in the box that come with the condition that you may only use them if your friends are playing with you. Whenever you just want to play with your lego set all by yourself, you are forbidden from using these pieces.

    And when you disregard the extra condition (and subvert whatever technical barrier was in place to enforce them), you are called a filthy pirate.

    All because the company can sell soft drinks to you whenever you play with your friends, or something.

    The loss in profit is only indirectly related to making the content available. It is not a real loss, it is a perceived loss, based solely on a "tendency" to pay for microtransactions when playing online, which in itself is based on a "tendency" to choose to play online when finding out that a particular gameplay element is not available in single player.


    But all in all, it seems like some of the people in this argument are talking about different things... defending the legality, versus calling it a excrementsty move. It is possible for an utterly corrupt, profit-grabbing, unfriendly, game-community-destroying, unethical move to be perfectly legal, and there is no point arguing that.

  3. I can't imagine microtransactions in KSP unless they do away with the sandbox mode, which would be quite a drastic change.

    But maybe take-two is creative enough to find more ways to milk the customer base? I sure hope not, but even so, I'm gonna keep a copy of the latest "non-ruined" version of the game at all times. Just to be safe. We'll see.


  4. It seems some of the .version files in the spacedock downloads differ from the online version files, causing AVC to complain.

    QuickGoTo: the download says it's while the remote one is https://raw.githubusercontent.com/malahx/QuickMods/master/QuickGoTo/QuickGoTo.version

    QuickExit: the download says, while the remote one is https://raw.githubusercontent.com/malahx/QuickMods/master/QuickExit/QuickExit.version

    QuickStart: the download says while the remote one is https://raw.githubusercontent.com/malahx/QuickMods/master/QuickStart/QuickStart.version

    Just a minor annoyance, I just thought I'd mention it. Carry on being awesome!

  5. On 2016. 06. 01. at 10:09 PM, Youen said:

    This wouldn't directly work for FAR, the ship has to be actively simulated for the voxel stuff to exist at all (among other things).

    When you say "This wouldn't directly work for FAR", are you referring to predictions based on a cache generated in a different flight, or 5thHorseman's suggestion about the user specifying another .craft file?

    On 2016. 05. 31. at 9:23 PM, Youen said:

    As @Frederf said, it could bring in a bit of gameplay, like having to start recording aero data, and then the mod would record the range of velocities and altitudes traveled by the vessel, and would be able to make predictions within this range later (and be able to extrapolate different velocity/altitude/AoA combinations of course), thus forcing players to actually make a reentry to gather useful data, not just spawning the capsule on the launchpad. Not sure if that would actually be fun gameplay or not.

    Absolutely, for a certain kind of player (like me) it would be really cool :)
    I don't like to kill Kerbals, so I usually test craft in robotic mode anyway, before putting Kerbals in them.
    (It could be argued that not everyone wants to do this, so maybe it needs to be an optional feature or an offshoot of this mod?)

    Btw I've made several reentries with an inflatable heatshield, and Trajectories worked pretty well if I inflated the heatshield before I made the maneuver node, then deflated to be able to use the engines, then inflated again for the actual reentry. But the predicted landing site moved a little bit during reentry, and since I didn't have much aerodynamic control, I ended up splashing down instead of touching down.

  6. On 2016. 06. 24. at 0:59 AM, Deimos Rast said:

    I am now seeing wild fluctuations in KER Altitude (Terrain) readings at the 100's meter level. I used hyper edit to get to orbit around Eve, so I know it's a stable orbit, and it usually shows the right readout with 0.1 fluctuations. It'll then suddenly climb 500m rapidly then down 500m back to baseline.

    Are you sure this is an issue?

    The terrain altitude is supposed to be your distance from the terrain, as in radar altitude, right? If so, while you're orbiting a planet, you can fly over lots of terrain differences in a short period of time. Try a low orbit around Kerbin and fly above an ocean, it should be steady IMO.

  7. Ok, so I checked the part right click menu, and I didn't see the tweaks that need to be there, instead there was a "show info" button for RealChute. I didn't realize I had RealChute, I didn't install it, but I use FAR, and apparently FAR has something called "RealChuteLite" now. I tried removing the RealChuteLite folder from the FAR installation, and it makes the parachute deflection work flawlessly, but this also makes parachutes useless, so they don't slow me down at all :confused:


    (Of course without FAR it works fine.)

  8. 3 hours ago, Jim123 said:

    i really could use help with this im so clueless of what any of that stuff means i have unity ksp and id really like it to work but i have no clue also i dont use steam for ksp



    Be more specific.. What's the part you don't understand? What "any of that stuff"?

  9. 9 hours ago, Hotaru said:

    In fact I suspect such a list, updated irregularly and frequently left out-of-date, would do more harm than good by directing people to old, defunct sites and away from new, active ones. What I would like is for Squad to call attention to the main community repository, especially if it's so successful it actually hosts more mods than their own official partner.

    For instance: suppose when you click "Get Mods!" in the KSP menu or on the forum header, instead of taking you straight to Curse, you get a dialogue with two options: Official Site (takes you to Curse) and Community Site (takes you to SpaceDock). Yes, someone would have to keep track of what the most popular community repository actually is, but based on the history of KSP mod repositories so far, that wouldn't be too hard. (It could get awkward if there were two community-run competitors of roughly equal popularity, but that seems unlikely at the moment.) And if there simply stopped being a popular community option, that button could just go back to sending people straight to Curse like it's always done. 

    Just wanted to throw my support into this side of the discussion..

    While I confess I have not taken the time to read this entire thread, from what I have read it seems that a lot of the discussion is about which mod site is better and why is curse bad and what should be "official". I don't think this discussion is helpful at all, we all have our preference, and we've seen Squad's stance on this and frankly they are right to stick to whatever official solution they want, we can't/shouldn't expect more of them or pressure them on that front, IMO.

    What we should expect though, and put pressure about it on Squad if necessary, is the official KSP website+forum to visibly acknowledge the existence of alternative mod repositories, or, as Hotaru suggested, at least the largest/most popular one. I strongly disagree with the notion that it would be "too much effort" to maintain such a link. It really is a simple task. Besides, the community can always help point out where to go for mods.

    The reason this is actually important is because the majority of KSP players, especially new ones, will only find the Curse site now. And (as previoulsy pointed out in this thread), they will think that's the only / the definitive mod collection, which it clearly is not.

    (Also, Curse indeed is badly designed and just repulsive in general.)

  10. However, it doesn't pick up anything that has previously been done by your Kerbals .. and auto-awards events as Final Frontier sees things. As such, the next Kerbalnaut you put in orbit will receive the First Kerbal in Orbit ribbon, etc. And altho you can assign ribbons yourself, there are some (such as that mentioned) that are not available for manual award.

    I'm thinking about starting to use this mod. It would be great if I could add any ribbon to my kerbals when I do..

    Can you remove a ribbon given by the system? (In case I know the particular kerbal wasn't the first..)

  11. Could someone help me here? I've upgraded to Windows 10 (why not? I never play solitaire.) and now I cant open .cfg files, I click them and nothing happens, I try doing 'open with' and nothing happens, help?

    Strange, shouldn't be much different from earlier windows versions. I have win10 too, and I can change default apps just as simply as before: right click the file, go to Properties, go to the Change button next to "Opens with:...", a dialog should pop up that lists apps, you may have to click "More apps", select Notepad and click OK.

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