So, my first mission as a Kerbal Space Programmer was to achieve an orbit around Kerbin. Here was Satellite Hub Launcher Mk I As you see it has 3-stages. First of all the solid rocket boosters. Then, after I jettisoned those, I would (in plan) go into orbit with the liquid engine and use the other 4 solids after I jettisoned the orange tank to finish it off. Needless to say that didn't work. The Mk II removed the final boosters, however I wasn't getting the height I needed. So, after a rethink, I just stuck the final hub onto an asparagus. The docking ports are for future parts to be added on. The results are unknown (Spoiler: I crashed because I messed up the stages, though Bill, Bob & Obidy all survived). Operation: Black Eyed Key (Or Op. B.A.y.K (Bake), ignore the fact it's spelt with E. Kerbal's don't need to know) will take place later today (GMT). Come back later for results!