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Carl Sagan The S Stallion

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Posts posted by Carl Sagan The S Stallion

  1. I have a major concern with the balancing mod in this modpack (I love the mods, by the way), and that is that you cannot remove data from mystery goo and science bay experiments on EVA. If you think about it, it would only be logical that they could be removed, since the goo canister should have a canister release switch, and since the science bay would contain a whole lot of small experiments for observation, which then could be taken out for examination. Then, when a science lab is involved, the crew inside could take another batch of test subjects and prepare them, so ultimately, there isn't much of a realism concern with keeping players from recovering their experiments on EVA.

    Furthermore, doing this only harms gameplay, since players conducting Apollo-style landings with disposable landers cannot return their mystery goo and science bay experiments for recovery back on Kerbin, thus turning a already complicated mission either into a more complicated one (by either making the lander recoverable or making a separate third lander that can also be recovered), or turning one mission into two separate missions (like a mystery goo and science bay unmanned lander mission separate from the manned landing). It doesn't make any sense--the current system already works! The balance is that players have to bring a lab if they want to perform more science, or bring duplicate experiments, the reward being that you can transmit science back at a higher return than normal.

  2. I assume you meant right-click :P Do you have Instant KSC facility upgrades enabled in the settings? I'm going to assume not (meaning upgrades should take time). It could be a conflict with another mod, preventing the "downgrade" from happening and then confusing KCT. Could you open up the KCT settings and enable debug messages, then try to upgrade a building and send me the log file? Depending on what's going on, you might just have to enable instant KSC upgrades. Also, make sure you're on the latest official release (you probably are) which is 1.1.7. I've seen similar issues while testing development versions, but not in the release version.

    Thank you very much, I'll get right on that. I don't think I use any mods that could conflict, besides MAYBE community tech tree (but I don't think it would have an impact). As far as I remember, this happened only with the R&D facility, so I'll see if I can record it and send you the log.

  3. I would like to preface this by saying that I absolutely LOVE this mod (this mod is tied with RemoteTech for my favorite).

    And I know this has probably been asked alot, but when might this mod be updated for 1.0.2? I can't play without this mod.

  4. I have two gameplay questions:

    1.) When is LHx + LOx fuel EVER useful when compared to JP-1? I find that the density of LHx, as low as it is, reduces DeltaV so much that it's useless.

    2.) What exactly would be an in-game affect of using toxic fuels? I know in real life, toxic fuels would make fuel tanks hard to service and would cost more to manufacture, but is there any impact the fuel has on gameplay, or does the danger have to be imagined by the player?

  5. I have to say, I absolutely love the mod, but I have a problem:

    Whenever I try to use this mod with Kerbal Construction Time, the fuel boils off before it even gets to the launch pad. Does the pump in the launch clamps provide fuel to the spacecraft to prevent this from happening?

  6. Before I begin my analysis, I would like to say that I am an aspiring physicist and an intern at the emergency management office for a major city in the United States.

    Honestly, in real life, as explained before, an asteroid like this would not do much damage at all. It's simply too small to do anything and would probably burn up in the atmosphere.

    Now, consider what would happen if it were bigger. MUCH bigger. Like, REALLY big.

    Suppose Gilly was on a collision course for Kerbin

    Now that might deal some serious damage. Looking at it from the aspiring physicist's point of view, I don't see this asteroid burning up in the atmosphere, but colliding with the ground and having a fairly big impact (pun intended).

    If it impacts the mainland, it would cause a fairly large shockwave and knock over some houses and structures. It would probably flatten entire forests for a 230 square km (90 square mi) radius. Beyond that, minor tremors would deal practically no damage whatsoever. Within that radius, you would see damage to infrastructure (bridges, railways, dams, etc) closer to the impact area, as well as loss of life much closer. The majority of life lost would be in the immediate impact area and near the shockwave. Biologically, the shockwave, should it be strong enough, could cause major trauma that decreases in severity with increasing distance from the impact area. However, just like with an earthquake, the majority of injuries would be from building collapse and falling objects.

    If it impacts the ocean, it would cause practically no damage in the impact radius, but I couldn't say the same for the fish. The damage it would do, however, is in a tsunami, coming from the impact's tremors. However, unlike a tsunami formed from a earthquake or underwater landslide, this tsunami would be one single wave, rather than three that bunch up, and it would have done less serious damage than a tsunami. Depending upon the distance from the coastline, coastline infrastructure and geography, and time of day, the tsunami would have varying degrees of damage. If it hits full force, it would wipe out coastal residential neighborhoods, old structures, and tall, unsupported structures (specifically buildings with weak foundations or buildings without pylons that are driven into the foundation to prevent lateral movement). Meteorologically, however it would be interesting to see if any storms come from this impact. It would be an interesting proof of concept to see a hurricane come from the impact (the impact evaporates a considerable amount of water in the surrounding area and this forms into a storm, the largest of which, could be a hurricane; it's a hypothesis that one of these was formed during the cretaceous extinction, a massive one, and punched a hole in the ozone layer by throwing enough water up there).

    Looking at it from an emergency manager's point of view, the main concern would be in immediate emergency services. In a mainland collision, seeing how power lines and telecommunications would be cut, it would be up to the local populous to take care of immediate threats for the first day or so. Once emergency supplies start flowing, emergency services would have a very limited time to pull people from the rubble of collapsed buildings and establish medical centers to take care of the wounded. The concern with this is the infrastructure; damaged bridges, cut powerlines, and broken gas lines would pose a serious threat to any rescue attempts, even preventing supplies from being ferried to the proper locations. After the first five or so days, most of the search and rescue effort would have been concentrated on body recovery (those poor Kerbals). Meanwhile, the first engineers arrive to help repair critical infrastructure and get more supplies flowing. Food would be scarce without this, since most of the food before the disaster would be gone and without much supplies coming in to supplement, and people would go hungry. Following that, is the recovery to individual property. This is the longest phase, since most individuals would not have the liquid capital to begin repairs on the houses and businesses; I hope they had asteroid insurance.

    Should the asteroid impact the ocean, the main concern would be getting the word out before the tsunami hits. When it does, damage described above would be vary. Being that I live in a desert, I can't say much about the emergency response.

    However, we are not talking about Gilly. This is a 30m diameter object. It would not do any damage whatsoever.

  7. Personally, I'm a "fixed timeline" kinda guy. Of course, this is ALL conjecture, for there is no conceivable way of testing this.

    Perhaps the very act of travelling back in time is a part of time itself. Consider the following.



    Hitler rises to power in 1936.

    Hitler invades Poland in 1939.

    Hitler commits suicide in his bunker in 1945.

    70 years later you travel back in time to defeat Hitler.


    You arrive back in time and assasinate Hitler before he rises to power.

    No WWII (well, if you ask me, the war would have happened eventually, but that's besides the point).

    No need, 70 years later, to travel back in time to kill Hitler.




    You arrive back in time to kill Hitler a week after he is born by replacing him with another child.

    The child you replaced him with is Hitler.

    Hitler rises to power in 1936...

    yada, yada, yada.

    70 years later, you travel back in time to kill Hitler.


    You arrive back in time to assassinate Hitler in 1936.

    You fail, or you kill the wrong person.

    Hitler rises to power in 1936...

    yada, yada, yada.

    70 years later, you travel back in time to kill Hitler.

    Of course, nature could just make it so you can't actually time travel. It could be that creating a portal back in time would create so much feedback it would annihilate itself or dissolve.

  8. Suppose you flew a massive spacecraft near the event horizon of a black hole, tied a bungee cord around your space-suited waist, and and leapt in. Would you live to tell the tale?

    Not really, if you bungee jumped past the event horizon or stuck a pole in, your ship would be sucked in too, since it is a part of your ship at that time. As stated above, you wouldn't even be capable of seeing beyond the event horizon. You wouldn't even be capable of getting out anyhow, seeing how you would have to travel faster than the speed of light to escape the event horizon.

    The event horizon is the limit between this universe and something else.

    Just passing the event horizon would not lead you into another place entirely. Realize that the event horizon is only the point in which light does not escape. It's much like the edge of a shadow, where just beyond is not necessarily something "different". That would be far beyond this point, down into the steepest part of the singularity, or even at the base, where, if you were lucky (or unlucky) enough to survive the trip, you would see, possibly, a swirling ball of matter, created by the matter collected from the area around you.


    What I wonder is, "Could the singularity 'convert' matter into energy and emit it from the black hole as radiation?" We already know that black holes emit incredible amounts of energy in jets at the poles, so was that, at one point, matter? Could the matter and energy in the black hole be emitted from the poles and "take" from the black hole to achieve escape velocity (and is this causing black holes to evaporate?)? Could this escaping light be traveling faster than the cosmic speed limit to do so?

    Take all this conjecture with a grain of salt, I'm only a high-school junior with an extreme interest in science. I haven't even taken high school physics (I traded it out for AP Chemistry)

  9. Prepare thyself, this is a long post.

    As many of us are well aware (and are quite frankly hyped about or dreading) 1.0 will include reentry heat and a new aerodynamics system. One problem a player might encounter is when coming out of interplanetary travel, they can no longer perform an aerobraking maneuver without proper heat shielding and a fair amount of luck on their side. Not complaining; just stating the facts.

    Now, my question is, can you use a retrograde orbit in place of aerocapture? I could imagine that fighting against the turn of the body you are orbiting would slow you down (maybe not enough for capture, but at least enough to cut fuel consumption).

    If this could happen, theoretically, one could send a Voyager probe to Jool and do a retrograde flyby to approach one of its moons (laythe, tylo, or vall) and do a final (or a series of) retrograde orbit(s). From there, you could turn around by going to a higher orbit and turning around.

    This may also have a second use as an alternative to potentially unpredictable aerobraking behavior stemming from the new drag and lift system; at least until an updated aerobraking calculator is created.

  10. For a while, when I had this mod, my other scientific gadgets (mystery goo, science jr, etc) wouldn't function; this is similar to the way that when you take a scientific measurement where the tool does not function (like using a atmospheric pressure scan in space, accelerometer off the ground, or temperature scan in high orbit) the tool would no longer function. Has this been fixed with the latest update to this mod?

  11. As many of you are well aware, when you have more than one jet engine on a plane in KSP that the air intakes (when they can't fullfill both engine's requirements for intake air) will supply only the first placed intake on your jet, leading to a dangerous spin that can only be corrected by using either an odd number of engines or by throttling down.

    My question to you is, are there any mods that can be used or anything that could be tweaked in the game files to remove this feature?

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