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Posts posted by shdwlrd

  1. 12 minutes ago, Fizzlebop Smith said:

    I am grateful to all the developers. but  think the marketing side was outright BS

    I can agree with this. Hopefully Nate found his career calling and starts doing PR or acting. He did a good job with that, but is it really that hard to rile up a bunch of gamers? Just a small rumor can do that.

    I don't wish the man any ill will, he was just doing his job. Wish him luck for his next gig.

  2. 1 hour ago, hendrack said:

    Well, that's the problem, they should release a working game in the first place. I am not spending a dime ever on this publisher again after a trail of half-finished DLC ripoffs.

    Unlike TTI/PD/IG, Paradox and Colossal Order made arrangements to compensate their fans and make amends for their mistakes. They are still actively working on the game to bring it to their customers standards.

    The only real difference between the two games are KSP2 dev is in limbo and CS2 is still being actively developed.

    This isn't the first time I've seen and heard about mismanagement for a game developer. This won't be the last. Too bad it was for a beloved niche game. Ceis la vie.

  3. 9 hours ago, KincaidFrankMF said:

    Well, only for planes lol Patchy elsewhere.

    Yeah, I'd tried manually tweaking the tailfins before and one setting never worked in all circumstances - being able to alter trim easily on the fly should be a life saver.

    Re. fuel tanks, I tend to position them so that half the fuel is stored above CoM and half below, so the balance never changes. Will be interesting to see if I still feel the need to do that after this.

    If you do decide to adjust wing angles, do the main wing only. Adjusting the horizontal stabilizers will only bring grief. 

    I primarily use the deploy angle override for trimming my craft. You can get finer control and quicker control inputs compared to using the built-in trim settings. (The over sized PAL window gets annoying while doing this though.)

    KSP really needs an auto-trim function for planes. In all reality, all of the control inputs are either too much, too little, or too slow for keyboard flying. It wouldn't hurt if the devs made the whole stabilizer part move when you trim out your craft so you don't lose any control authority or increase the maximum deflection of the control surfaces.

    I typically try to keep the fuel tanks around the CoM to minimize the CoM shift. But there are times where you can't to that. (Cough, cargo/passenger planes, cough)


  4. 13 minutes ago, KincaidFrankMF said:

    Oh holy hell, that does sound like a game changer!! Thank you so much, will try that ASAP :)

    Wonder why SAS was working so well previously though? It was just brilliant for a while there.

    If the SAS was working good for you before, consider yourself lucky. The current SAS has been flaky as hell since release for me.

    @Icegrx is correct with his assessment of the situation and how KSP handles planes. I'll add that you need to balance your plane with both full and empty tanks. It's surprising how much your CoM can shift between full and empty tanks. Don't rely on the trim completely. As your speed changes and your plane gets lighter, your trim will need to change. (Alt-X resets your trim) 

    Another tip is use the fine controls for twitchy planes. (Fighters and acrobatic planes.) Caps Lock is the toggle for fine controls.

    If you want to know all the current keybinds, they are in the KSP2 dev update section of the forum.

  5. I've encountered this with the lightyear landing gear. In some cases if you clip the gear too far into the structural part or fuel tank, you'll get the warning. In other cases if you move the gear into the wing, you'll get the warning. In all cases, it seems to happen if the animated part of the model or the wheel collider hits another collider, you'll get the warning. Unfortunately it's very hit or miss when you'll get the warning. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. 

  6. On 9/7/2023 at 2:22 PM, DancZer said:

    I have a good news, I manage to setup the Joystick!

    Steps to configure it:

    1. Go to the settings and setup the pitch, yaw, roll for your Joystick
    2. Save your settings
    3. Navigate to c:\Users\<Username>\AppData\LocalLow\Intercept Games\Kerbal Space Program 2\Global\
    4. Edit InputBindings.json
    5. Find every processors and add clamp(min=-1,max=0)  and clamp(min=0,max=1) for each axes. Make sure you add the highlighted text between \"
    6. Save the file
    7. Load the game
    8. Navigate to the Settings and click on Input
    9. Do not modify any settings, otherwise the InputBindings.json will be overwritten and you have to start from 5.
    10. Load you campaign and enjoy the flight

    Background info:

    The reason it was not working, because when you configure your Joystick axes for the flight they add your axis two times (eg.: pitch up, pitch down like W, S). You can test it if you remove one of your Flight/Pitch the path value. Let's say we keep the Flight/Pitch up binding. If you load the game the same way as I described you will notice that no matter that you move your Joystick forward or backward the pitch will always go up. Joystick axes value  moves in range -1 ... 1, but KSP2 internally transform this to absolute value. That's why no matter if you move it to -1 or 1 the end result will be always 1 and the pitch goes up. To solve the issue you can add clamp. This will remove the lower and upper part of your Joystick value range and it will not let the bindings go down in Pitch Up binding and up in Pitch Down binding. I hope it makes sense for you.

    KSP 2 uses the Input System package for Unity to handle input: https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.inputsystem@1.7/manual/Processors.html#clamp


    "{\"bindings\":[{\"action\":\"Flight/Pitch\",\"id\":\"27397e14-6a24-4bbf-8830-e3cc4ad3db69\",\"path\":\"<Joystick>/stick/y\",\"interactions\":\"\",\"processors\":\"clamp(min=0,max=1)\"},{\"action\":\"Flight/Pitch\",\"id\":\"1eff4572-25e9-4520-bd55-07a5f4415db3\",\"path\":\"<Joystick>/stick/y\",\"interactions\":\"\",\"processors\":\"clamp(min=-1,max=0)\"},{\"action\":\"Flight/Roll\",\"id\":\"d273a7bf-6efa-4915-acaa-dab56c2719a8\",\"path\":\"<Joystick>/stick/x\",\"interactions\":\"\",\"processors\":\"clamp(min=-1,max=0)\"},{\"action\":\"Flight/Roll\",\"id\":\"3627ecee-69c2-45ca-8f78-c0dad13257ef\",\"path\":\"<Joystick>/stick/x\",\"interactions\":\"\",\"processors\":\"clamp(min=0,max=1)\"},{\"action\":\"Flight/Yaw\",\"id\":\"fe5396d2-4c1d-4bf9-915b-1bdfd3d5cc39\",\"path\":\"<HID::Thrustmaster T.16000M>/rz\",\"interactions\":\"\",\"processors\":\"clamp(min=-1,max=0)\"},{\"action\":\"Flight/Yaw\",\"id\":\"ce110cb9-c1f9-43cd-a91a-0a02bfdae364\",\"path\":\"<HID::Thrustmaster T.16000M>/rz\",\"interactions\":\"\",\"processors\":\"clamp(min=0,max=1)\"}]}"

    I wish you the best!


  7. As someone that hated the science mode in KSP1. I do find Exploration mode quite playable. After the first couple unlocks, there's really nothing stopping you from playing your way. (Outside of reentry heating.) Now they just need to add joystick support (without monkeying with settings files) and some flying aids, I would be very happy to get back playing KSP regularly.

  8. Don't know if you were playing KSP1 at the time 1.0 released. But in the early days of the release, reentry heating was very brutal. You needed shielding for any part that was exposed to the air stream or it would explode. It was changed because noone wanted to learn/try new reentry profiles to minimize the heat buildup.

    I'm glad that the devs went this route. Reentry it just as tricky as any other part of flying rockets.

  9. 2 hours ago, PDCWolf said:

    There's also no reason they couldn't combine the atmosphere indicator with the altitude tape for example.

    This is a usable idea to free up some space.

    My biggest gripe is with the Flight UI. The lack of consistency with the fonts and a 16 bit color palate makes it really hard to read. The ability to change the colors for the nav ball and tapes would go a long way to help with the ease of deciphering what they are displaying.

  10. There's 3 different camps for LS.

    One where the player doesn't want LS in any shape or form.

    One where LS is even more punitive than screwing up your DV, TWR, or EC calculations.

    One where LS is present, but not a hindrance but a boon.

    We know that IG is leaning more to the 3rd camp.

    Having to worry about life support is for the survival genre of games, not a light hearted but difficult space exploration game. Some of you want LS to be a nasty game mechanic without thinking of the game play. I understand that some of you think KSP is too easy. Good for you. But for the rest, it's difficult enough without having to worry about tanking a mission because you forgot to click a button.

  11. My wishes are...

    1) proper selection of ground vehicle parts. I'm sick of using rocket parts for every type of ground vehicle.

    2) a stock autopilot. 

    3) an instrument landing guidance system for both planes and rockets. Take the guess work out of landing 

    4) stock fuel switching for the tanks. Remove the fuel tank spam

    5) stock EC calculator 

    6) different tank profiles. Why does everything needs to be a cylinder?

    7) return of the square wing pieces. Never thought I would miss those. But they were too handy.

    8) make circular construction possible in the VAB without struts

    9) unit switching for velocity 

    10) surface attach for the procedural wings

  12. 3 hours ago, Wheehaw Kerman said:

    I’ll just point to how Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto, not to mention a host of smaller objects, were discovered.  And astronomers can’t work up orbital elements by eyeball.  And speaking of outer planets, imagine our collective reaction to the telescopes revealing outer planets in the Kerbolar system :).

    The R&D complex does have an observatory with a huge telescope pointing to the sky. (KSP1) So a space based telescope for discovery of the Kerbol system is unnecessary. The Kerbals know what celestial bodies are in their solar system. They should know the general properties if each celestial body already. Space based telescopes is better released with the interstellar update. If any telescopes are released with the FOR SCIENCE! update, they would be the ground survey type.

  13. 10 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

    I don't understand why people are so against having to use a telescope to see images of a planet you want to go to.

    It depends on the reasoning for the telescope. If you need a telescope to discover a planet in your solar system, that's stupid. You should see the planet transiting across the night sky. You know it's there. If you want to use the telescope to get a better view of the planet, that's cool. If you want to use a telescope to do a ground survey before a mission, that's up to you. But using telescopes for anything in the Kerbol system should be optional and not a requirement for any discoveries.

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