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Everything posted by mastereryx

  1. I should probably clarify that this is a Server GUI.
  2. Hey Everyone! The sins gaming group has just released version 1.0 of the Dark Multiplayer Graphical User Interface (GUI). It's currently only set for use on a windows machine but version 1.1 is slated to function on Linux and Mac. The GUI allows for push button control of all server functions and currently has in addition a player list and push button backup and backup retrieval functionality. If you have any questions please let me either here or on the sins gaming website forum. The page for downloading is below. http://sinsgaming.altervista.org/ Thanks, Sloth This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/.
  3. Hey Everyone! The sins gaming group has just released version 1.0 of the Dark Multiplayer Graphical User Interface (GUI). It's currently only set for use on a windows machine but version 1.1 is slated to function on Linux and Mac. The GUI allows for push button control of all server functions and currently has in addition a player list and push button backup and backup retrieval functionality. If you have any questions please let me either here or on the sins gaming website forum. The page for downloading is below. http://sinsgaming.altervista.org/ Thanks, Sloth This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. Source Code: https://github.com/Langkamp/SinsGamingDMPGUI By popular demand here is the pre-version 1 image of the GUI.
  4. Hello once again, We're going to be changing the website format. The calculators will still be on the site but they will have their own section. We're making room for the new software, tutorials, and videos from Sins gaming. Thanks, Sloth
  5. Personally I don't think the one he put together looks too difficult as long as it comes with instructions and color coded tabs like you find on papercraft websites. This would require a great deal of work on Arc's end and he's already doing a lot to put as many parts together as he can.
  6. The landing gear is just so small at this scale that it's going to be difficult to work with regardless. Unfortunately, the scale you have it set in is pretty much perfect for desktop models, so it's unavoidable.
  7. When it comes to the landing legs you have to get a little creative. There's only 4 actual parts from the pattern that would work as intended. Some stuff had to be cut from the design and the copious amounts of glue to hold everything in place. I just really wanted to have a model of my standard lander.
  8. Hey Everyone! Delta-V Calculator is now on the calculator site also, there are other useful calculators that have been added. On top of that the Sins gaming team have compiled a series of photos to share from the groups KSP DMP server. If you'd like to see what sort of designers we are in game. Thanks, Sloth
  9. That's something I would like to know as well. I used copy paper for the lander and if there's a better option I'd like to know. Also, what's really needed is folding directions.
  10. This is how mine turned out after about 2 hours worth of work. I can't imagine how much time an effort had to go into making them accurate to the game. I'm pretty happy with my little model though.
  11. Well it is the intern working on that so I'm sure it's just something that needed to be polished a bit or he's not working as quickly as everyone else. I know our interns don't get handed anything as vital as one of the primary pieces of a project right before release.
  12. I agree it would really upset players if the game was suddenly not playable because of the new features. We've come to expect great things, at least I have anyway.
  13. I suppose that makes sense but because of that policy we get threads full of speculation like this one. Sigh...
  14. A little irritating but I can see why they take that stance. Keeps us from crying foul when the can't meet the deadline.
  15. I'm relatively new to KSP, is this what it was like the last time waiting for the update? What I mean is, they didn't give a release date they just let the community speculate.
  16. I take it there's no confirmed release date for .24 yet. I'm starting to get anxious here!
  17. Hello again Everyone! I'm going to be putting a whole new calculator on the website today (With any luck). The Delta-V calculator, also, I'm considering setting the calculators up for the option to read data directly off your computer to make the process quicker. It would have the ability to read the ship files that you have and tell you the information about them such as each stages delta-v, weight, and thrust to lift ratio. That section is still a conceptual thing right now though but please let me know if that's something that would interest you. The other project I'm working on is creating a custom GUI for the DMPServer.exe which if I can get it to work will reduce the knowledge necessary to run your own server. Thanks, Sloth
  18. Hey everyone, I'm with a gaming group called Sins Gaming and I'm working on a website right now to create as many useful calculators as possible for kerbal space program. http://sinsgaming.altervista.org/index.html I'm working on adding new ones every day and the next one that I plan to put up is total weight calculator. If you have any suggestion on calculators you'd like to see on the site let me know and I'll see what I can do! thanks, Sloth
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