I will be frank. The current iteration of the mod browser section is impractical and will point out a few things: SCREEN SPACE WASTED Mod Listing DIV containers unnecessarily large with little provided function Overly large DIV container header size Unnecessary empty space in mod listing container for a partial unobstructed image and sliding hover [*]NOT FULLY OPTIMIZED ​Seemingly unrestricted image resolution and file size for mod listing DIV container backgrounds Small listings of mods already pushing page sizes between 6-13MB for a simple-looking front-end, this will become obscene when you get a bunch of mods listed [*]FUNCTIONALITY ​Lack of mod filters and-or categories Listings do not display version of game the mod supports / date updated (one is found deeper, the other is completely absent) Large DIV containers background image provided by mod author with useful portions out-of-view