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Everything posted by Roninpawn

  1. A god amongst men you are Kospy. Thank you so much for updating KAS!
  2. [KSP] New Pawnington 9: The Second Coming of the Hergard Bill Kerman needs to be saved! And after the baptism we should probably recover him from orbit, too. Welcoming KAS to the modpack! (Thanks Jefferson)
  3. [KSP] New Pawnington 9: The Second Coming of the Hergard Bill Kerman needs to be saved! And after the baptism we should probably recover him from orbit, too. Welcome KAS to the modpack!
  4. I'm using Jefferson's KAS fix for 64bit and I've got a bug. Everything worked well enough on the ground, but in orbit around the Mun, when a Kerbal grabs a Pipe End Point off the ship (only part tested) that Kerbal's relative velocity immediately becomes zero. The ship disappears over the horizon, carrying on its orbit, leaving Jeb (and later Bill) to die horribly; slowly falling straight down (more or less) at the surface of the Mun. Am I alone with this bug? My next test is to put them on ladders and see if that makes a difference. We've got to save these Kerbals! Update: Tested in 32bit. Working fine.
  5. And the "The Man" award goes to JeffersonFlight. Thanks to you KAS is coming to - to assist Bill Kerman in the whole being stranded in orbit of the Mun... thing.Thank you, awesome person.
  6. I just moved over to .24.2 32bit with a .23.5 Bargain Rockets save file. Straight into the new career mode without issue. [see New Pawnington 6 in the thread above. ]
  7. [KSP] New Pawnington 6: Saving German's Kerbals Hergard's lost in space! Rockomax didn't sign the check! Why's the navball upside down! Ahhhh! ...business as usual in New Pawnington. [KSP] New Pawnington 7: A Heroes' Return The mission to rescue Hergard Kerman from orbit continues. RCS is depleting quickly. Bogey's incoming! Red Alert! Quick! Someone get out and push.
  8. Can't wait for this pack to go 0.24! When it's career mode-ready it's going into New Pawnington.
  9. Thank you, sir. And thanks for maintaining this truly excellent mod. [KSP] New Pawnington 5: Bill Kerman's Orbital Package Delivery ...When it absolutely, positively has to be to Duna, overnight.
  10. Most people are trying to de-orbit their space trash... I'm strapping boosters to wastebins!
  11. After a long stint away, (some six months or more) I've reopened doors on the VAB with a new KSP series on the Roninpawn channel. Unfortunately, it seems a few disgruntled Kerbals who didn't appreciate me laying them off stole all of our rocketry equipment and eBay'd it in my absence. We're making-do though! ...Found a barbecue grill and some old Frigidaires out back of the complex that are actually working out pretty well in place of the proper gear: [KSP] NEW Pawnington 1: Bargain Rockets EDIT [KSP] NEW Pawnington 2: Suborbital Potatoes http://youtu.be/wZLHcmCoEGE [KSP] NEW Pawnington 3: A Phallus in Search of Orbit http://youtu.be/ouNNjJ25ZxY
  12. Both of these covers are excellent. Great job. But let me turn the tables on you: Can I use your music in my youtube video? Is there a CC license you'll release this under?
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