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Everything posted by HK-47

  1. Figured as much! I know the OpenGL depreciation has been a huge pain for developers on the mac side of things. I have no clue if it's even possible to utilize something like Metal in a mod through Unity when the game is running through OpenGL, but it seems like perhaps native Metal could handle it? https://developer.apple.com/documentation/metal/metal_sample_code_library/mixing_metal_and_opengl_rendering_in_a_view https://developer.apple.com/documentation/metal/performing_calculations_on_a_gpu Anyways, bigger fish to fry but it would be cool to see someday if it is in fact possible! Shame since modern mac hardware is relatively capable nowadays.
  2. Hey Gameslinx, was just curious regarding the upcoming rewrite. By chance will this have any effect on the ability for macOS to use the scatter system? I'm assuming not considering the situation hasn't changed with OpenGL but figured I'd ask. Thanks for all the work you're doing!
  3. Really? Those screenshots I uploaded previously were all taken with the built-in screenshot function and showed both. Only when I supersampled did I lose them.
  4. Do you maybe have supersampling enabled for screenshots? I noticed that flares disappeared for me when I enabled supersampling, but otherwise they would appear. Perhaps it's a similar issue? Edit: I'm willing to bet that's it, I just checked some screenshots I made yesterday that I hadn't looked at that included the ocean in them and they appear the same way.
  5. I just want to say thank you Blackrack. I've been playing this game for 3 years off and on, lurked on the forums on a regular basis the whole time without ever posting anything. You've truly taken this game to a whole new level graphically. It would have been incredibly hard to imagine KSP ever looking this good when I first started. It's amazing what a proper atmosphere, oceans, shadows, flares, eclipses, and godrays have added to the experience. I think you've changed everyones expectations of what KSP can be and I hope Squad takes notice, as you deserve some serious credit for the work you've done adapting Proland to this. I can't wait to see the updates you continue to put out. Know that you have so many people grateful for the time you've put in. - Andy
  6. Hi, first post ever. Perhaps this article b9 wrote on the creation of the new VAB last year can give some insight into how he did the lighting setup. He covers how he did it in pretty good depth, particularly after the section titled "You're texturing it where?!". http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/747-The-Making-Of-New-KSC
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