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Jebadiah Kerban

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    He he "im right behind u"

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  1. Tried updating and nothing. I removed all my mods and left only visual mods and seems theres no problem. Once I add a mod that seems to use module manager, my game crashes. I'll try update it when I get home.
  2. Hello, I recently upgraded to 1.3.1 and downloaded all my mods like usual. When loading, right after Module Manager has finished, I get a crash. Logs: Error.log : https://pastebin.com/JhgXfn5C Output_log.txt : https://www.mediafire.com/file/w6b416fc9k9gxn5/output_log.txt Sorry I had to make the Output_log a download link from mediafire. Pastebin has a max of 512kb. Thank you
  3. Hello! Recently I downloaded just around 4-5 mods, and whenever I go to the main-menu/Space Centre, my game crashes, also after being on missions longer than 30 minutes. Gamedata: Log: https://www.mediafire.com/?q00l9fku1b5xxq5
  4. Welcome kerbaulnauts! I am going to challenge all of you! RULES 1) No cheats 2) When posting your entry, give me the the cost, mods used, parts, and passengers 3) No-Cheaty mods allowed 4) Mods are allowed, as long as they dont make the challenge easier 5) For the crew cabin, only stock parts may be used 6) Include you .craft file So whats the deal you ask? You have to construct a electric/Jet powered plane to go around the world. but its not so simple, while doing that, you have to carry 100 Passengers in your plane. Only 1 Stop is allowed, at the half point. Please video record/Screen shot your progress, including take-off, midpoint, and landing. Winners: 1)
  5. this topic is dead.... (edit) WE HIT 650 VIEWS! thx guys
  6. Im going to make the boeing 707 to 787 if anyone wants? 2 votes and il make them
  7. I loaded it on the runway, I have a GTX 1080, 8GB with 16GB ram, 64 Bit... my game crashes ;-; did you part clip it or something?
  8. can i have the imgur link for the images? they wont load up :/ anyway, it sounds amazing! EDIT: got it to load. looks amazing <3
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