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Jebadiah Kerban

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Everything posted by Jebadiah Kerban

  1. Hmmmm opinion use ur mono in docking mode to like decent or what ever cos now mono is becoming strong so yeah.
  2. Hu... very interesting pm me if u need help.
  3. Wow nice one but will it still work??? i rlly wanna see it iv never seen an easter egg
  4. Hi welcome and I'm also new I joined on the4th of july
  5. Hello this is the official KSEOK craft post i will post a image on imgur and have a download ready so that u can have it! Ksp official Duna rover imgur: Download:
  6. Hmmmm i also want to get rid of it im thinking changing the PNG. or FILE. color to transparent must be a file or PNG or something
  7. Use cruise control and IJKL and also WASD to control and also tip shup down motors for certain ones
  8. xD im a pro yes also if ur on full screen and change the resolution for me it sucks
  9. lol i have FAR deadly reentry and TAC LS its soo hard but easy xD
  10. Hu have you tried editing the game files and using hyper edit? iv tried it and it worked but then i deleted the save i thought it was useless
  11. @Rhyunix well i didnt find it
  12. @Thomas Cool. but is there an official country for that flag?
  13. Why hello lets share Flags! here's my flags: https://www./?aoct2ppj08mzo3g
  14. Heres the link for the images . (u have to download it) https://www./?wbetaqota0xlvyc
  15. Ok im going to put up some pics Update: vids are allowed and if you already have a mun base well sorry. If you have a sat in space with a mun base it is allowed.
  16. Hello fellow kerbalnauts Jeb here is trying to get to the Mun and build a base. The Base must look like an X or + and must have a central tower in the middle containing Jeb! ONLY JEB! Mods allowed: Far Kas Plugins allowed: Far Docking alignment The Debug menu is not ALLOWED! I will need a picture of before takeoff and when it arrives at the base. (SPH and VAB crafts are allowed) (If you want to you can post a download for the craft(optional)
  17. Ok first of all make sure your center of mass is in the center and center of lift is pointing up strait and center of thrust is pointing down strait 2nd STRUTS!
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