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Dale Gribble

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Everything posted by Dale Gribble

  1. Got the same install folder and have the newest firespitter plugin. Also tried it with the one that was provided with this download.. so I'm at a loss
  2. I cant get this to work on 0.90.. got tweakscale and everything. Any idea anyone?
  3. I don't know if this was covered before, if it was, I apologize but I couldn't find anything.. Anyway, it seems that offset doesn't work with Procedural parts. If I attach an object to a procedural tank (or a procedural tank itself) and then change the offset, it doesn't save: If I reload a vessel, all parts attached to Procedural tanks and Procedural tanks themselves are back in their original position. Is this a known issue? Does anyone know if there's a fix?
  4. This is awesome, but would it be possible to make the wings even smaller/thinner (decrease the minimum width and thickness to like 0.001 or something?) I often like to use procedural wings to make small details and cockpits but these are a somewhat too big
  5. Now I used the earthsurface.png and re-sized it. Now its just fine.. weird but I seem to be the only one affected so I wouldn't worry about it
  6. Yeah, I wasnt talking about the cities I was saying that the ground (grass and stuff) itself is red/brown, the cities are fine. I thought it might be the same memory issue that people had some time ago, back when the cities where still in non-dds format. Otherwise; awesome stuff man! Its amazing just to see the change from the 0.2.1 version imgur album and the most recent github master version, the progress is just incredible!
  7. Just tried it, sky still somewhat dark, clouds look a lot better now One issue though; all the ground (except cities) is this red/brown-ish color, but I guess this is just a memory issue like some experienced before with the larger city textures in non-dds format
  8. Works fine, also in adition to running about 30 mods or so. Only problems are those that you already mentioned yourself (3d cloud layer not lining up, tiling), no other significant bugs to report from my side. Great stuff again pingopete Maybe somewhat off-topic, but I gotta know how you are able to apply all those different decals to your aircraft. I tried the flag decal mod but that only allows me to apply the current mission flag.
  9. Did you also install the texture pack from Real Solar System (8192x4096, 4096x2048, or 2048x1024)? I forgot to do that once (or three times ) and got the same thing.
  10. Lol, yeah that was me some pages ago Yer a wizard Pingopete Seriously though, awesome stuff as always!
  11. I also noticed this, but it's still well worth it. Its such a huge improvement.. Also, correct me if im wrong, but I think the atmoshpere shader persists for quite some time.. I can fly at 22000 meters and its still bright and blue, whereas you can find pics from the cockpit of an sr 71 at that altitude and it has already faded.. Well deserved man! Congrats!
  12. You pretty much just place all the stuff from the mod in the gamedata folder in the KSP main directory. For this mod, you would need the Real Solar System v7.3 mod (linked in the first post of this thread) together with your prefered resolution texture pack, which you can find in the Real Solar System thread itself (scroll down a bit in the first post of that thread, you see three links saying "8192x4096 - 4096x2048 - 2048x1024". Pick which one you prefer. 2048 for performance, 8192 for quality) . Then download this mod and install it. And don't worry too much about the stuff being outdated, I get about five messages for different mods for that as well everytime I start the game, it still works, but it just says that they arent designed specifically for that version of KSP. Anyway, I hope that helps clear things up somewhat, wrote this reply rather quickly
  13. Just tried with a fresh install, the exact same thing happened again
  14. No, Ill try a fresh install. No other instances of EVE, tried using the newest RSS, as well as 7.3, and 7.4. Im running a lot of mods, yet none of these gave any trouble with previous, stable versions. Thanks for the quick help btw, really appreciate it
  15. its not really frozen, it still highlights buildings when the camera permits it and I can get to the main menu. However when clicking anything it does freeze. By switching user I mean switching profile. The camera angle is the thing I was wondering about, that is what happens when I get to the KSC. I cant change the angle either. (here it is when it loads ksc with another camera angle, cant change it and when I select anything it does not respond): This only happens with the master build. the rest were absolutely fine
  16. Hey pingopete, awesome stuff! Eagerlyl trying it out, but I'm getting this when starting up ksp with the master version (i expect bugs, but still): I cant select anything.. It also happens when switching to another user. Any idea what's happening?
  17. Hey, quick question: Is there any way to make procedural wing 4 paintable with kerbpaint? Thanks in advance
  18. That was indeed the problem, totally unrelated to this particular mod. I just fixed it by scaling down the earth texture (the one found in plugindata) in photoshop and it ran fine
  19. I was playing on 64 bit, but now switched to 32 bit as I found out for some reason all control surfaces weren't working... Anyway, now I do encounter some bugs, though I vaguely remember experiencing something similar before and I'm therefore not sure if its related to this mod:
  20. Hey DYJ, thanks for all the hard work! Quick question though, I'm on KSP 25 x64, and when I change the tip scale, it also scales the thickness of the wing: As you can see, the wing with thickness 5 is not very thick at all.. Is it supposed to be like this, is it an error on my end, or is it simply a bug? Nevermind, was dumb and then did a bit of reading
  21. A small question and suddenly a radical change Seriously though, it looks amazing, these nice blue skies deffinitely make a difference. And I'm amazed at how fast you are! Again, thanks for putting all this work into it! I dont play KSP without it anymore
  22. Oh man, Pingopete, this is amazing! Thank you so much for all the work you're putting into this! I've download 2.2, and so far there's not really been any bugs (or ones that I can identify). Just one quick questions though, the sky in my KSP is quite dark at day time Im not sure if this is simply the settings, or perhaps its on my end (I read someone earlier had an entirely black sky? however, this is entirely the case for me)
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