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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Stop giving the game away. They might hear you...
  2. A member of the Battlefield 4 clan I was (briefly until it turned out I was actually rubbish) mentioned he was off to play KSP. I asked what it was. He said "A rocket game . Try it." Now I am on 1.5k hours and climbing...
  3. Randomly browsing the Web on dull call (5pm on a Friday - who does that?) and I spotted this. https://www.inverse.com/amp/article/21071-well-why-don-t-they-just-build-the-whole-rocket-out-of-the-ocean-then Sounds far fetched, but very kerbal. Any takers for a prototype? P
  4. Finally got an hour or so to try it and... so shiny. The new fonts are fantastic. Re-entry seems more forgiving, but I did break my antenna trying to send a flying crew report. And I have had to remember how to calculate delta-v. Nice to have a refresher! Kudos Squad chaps!
  5. Congtatulations! Sounds like a perfect Kerbal mün mission to me! And if there is one piece of advice I could give. Learn to do anything yourself before you hand it over to a mod. Even delta-v and TWR. So much more satisfying designing a Duna mission on paper/a spreadsheet and it being right. And, of course moar boosters and moar struts. (Not really)
  6. Hi all, Thanks for the recommendations. My progress has not been as rapid as I would have liked as a driver update played havoc with all my games, although windows tried to convince me my memory was broken... Then I threw mods at it and it all went a bit south. Bright purple runway and kerbals and crashes on getting to orbit. I have now trimmed it all back to a few game play mods. Anyway, I had been using CKAN, but it appears that EVE isn't there anymore, so I will be doing this the old fashioned way. I will post problems/observations/pretty screen shots as soon as I make progress! P
  7. If you want a bit of extra cash early in the game, I would recommend stage recovery. You get money back for any stagespecial that fall back to Kerbin, just by adding parachutes.
  8. Hi All, I have just taken the plunge and upgraded from a GTX650TI to a shiny Gtx1080. I have been boosting up the settings on all my games, and modding where I can. Can anyone recommend some KSP Mods to make the game super beautiful? Thanks, P
  9. For me, as I mainly play career, I don't like having my space programme doing nothing. I don't have bills to pay, but I play like I do, so I am always doing something. This makes to "warp till you get there" option difficult to fit in. That being said, my 1.1 career, now all my mods are back, has kindly not presented me with any missions I want to do, so I have probed Duna and Ike, flown by Moho at around 5kps and now I am about to get my first manned craft to Duna. And it is so satisfying. I may have to adjust my play style and stop spamming the orbital station and move satellite missions.
  10. And they were disabled. Who knew that they would be off by default! Thanks for your help!! P
  11. Hi All, For the first time in KSP I have stuck with a career game and got as far as mining. So I did my research, read the help and re-purposed my first Minmus base design to some mining. So I have accepted a mission to take 1050 ore from Minmus and pop it into Kerbin orbit. http://imgur.com/gallery/3Dt6MjG As you can see, I have power, radiators, Ore tanks and ISRU. But when I fire up the drill, it says "Ore Full" even though have 1200 spare capacity. Any ideas on what has gone horribly, horribly wrong? Thanks, P
  12. That did indeed bring a smile to my face. And I have done every one of those comedy errors countless times. I never learn, which is part of the fun!
  13. I have a few! A pilot has to be the first to do anything in career. No Kersall can die. I always visit the Mün first, even though I know minimus is waaaay easier. I have mastered docking, but have never done anything useful with it. I have never used an action group, other than landing gear (if that counts) Never got a manned mission out of Kerbing SOI as every upgrade results in a new career. Spaceplanes are evil. (Aka I can't make them work)
  14. I use KER as it means I don't have to have my delta v calculator spread sheet open, and it makes my suicide burns less suicidal. The best thing is the amount you can customise the displays. Also, I have just installed mechjeb as I am moving into orbital assembly in my career game. However, at my tech level, none of the things I wanted were available. So that is something to watch out for!
  15. Well, it is in orbit! Massively cut down and with Big old wings on my central fuel tank. Now I just need to dock it! Not in front of KSP, but I will update with pics later. Thanks everyone!! P
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