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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Why are we putting people into space with giant bombs anyway? I want my magnetic launch ramp!
  2. They made a Microsoft flight simulator past 4? Go figure.
  3. I usually consider the payload i\'m taking up first. Top down design. My cycle goes something like this. Make an orbiter with maneuver fuel, rcs, and SAS Test launch it. Does it work? Great, moving on. Build the lift stage. Is it stable? if no,Add ASAS to the bottom of the payload stage. if yes. Get ye into space. Did they come back alive? if no, remember to add parachute to the command module. if yes. SUCCESSFUL MISSION.
  4. A-10 Thunderbolt II. It\'s what the Kerbals would design if they needed a warplane. 'We need to make this gun fly' 'You mean, we need to make this plane fly.' 'No, we need to make the gun fly, the plane is an accessory.'
  5. I\'m on the tail end of the bell.
  6. I always wanted to be an astronaut, but turns out i\'m not in great shape, or very brave, or terribly good at math or science, and people don\'t want to be with me for very long times. I\'ve accepted that I will probably never be an astronaut. Enter this game. THANK YOU! This game is cheaper than estes and doesn\'t tick off airports nearly as much. Both are plusses in my books. Anyways, Just saying hello. Heres me having fun. http://youtu.be/SHwFvBlYj7s
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