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Everything posted by megatiger78

  1. tHe PoWeR oF nEgReP dEfEnDs Me NeXt PoStEr SuMoNs GiC tHe WrOnG wAy
  2. hE wHo ReSiStS gReEn IrOn CrOwN sHaLl Be NeGrEpEd (how about someone make a "rep wars" trailer?)
  3. We NeEd tO sPrEaD tHe ViRuS tO aNyOnE eLsE wHoSe PrOfIe CoNtAiNs GrEeN
  4. Arrest him for sugestice username. Wagon 54: Wal-Mart. also a box of grenades.
  5. vIvA lA gReEn IrOn CrOwN! wE cAn ReSuReCt HiM eAsY fOr He NeVeR dIeD
  6. 252: 2 great kerbal leaders unite ther kerbonauts and engine-nears. 2 iron crowns are made-green and red. the green krown leads the engine-nears, with the red crown running kerbonauts and PR. the existence of the green krown is unknown to the public.
  7. was he or green ever alive? hopdfuly or my entire religion/cult/sect is centerd on a green hat
  8. GiC fOnT tEmP oFf* #downwiththecrown you say? R.I.P Red and Green Iron crown. GiC iS dEaD. lOnG lIvE gIc
  9. YoUr PaThEtIc RiC iS dEaD (sorry about colurs I have balack/white kindle right now" GiC sHaLl ReTuRn
  10. nO fOlOwEr Is UsElEsS tO oUr OvErLoRd GiC. eMbRaCe ThE pOwEr lIkE mE aNd ZeKeS dId. ThEn AlL tHe InTeRnEt ShAlL fAlL
  11. I think that something that takes of and lands on its end is easier, if a bit hard to land
  12. granted, but you sell your soul to GIC for the ability I wish there was a caps/nocaps lock key so my GIV posts are easier
  13. No Master Green Iron Crown for sure this time
  14. tOdAy I bEcAmE eNlIgHtEnEd By gReEn IrOn CrOwN
  15. you help them to get the FPS module out of [Redacted] studios and into the full world wagon 52: explosions are happening. you see Michaela bay in the corner looking happy
  16. GIC takes over and takes over the forums Wagon 49: a presentation on why not to type in GIC mode all the time.
  17. Shrek catches you and gives you toast Wagon 47: GrEeN iRoN aLlIeS mEtTiNg RoOm
  18. You call upon gReEn IrOn CrOwN aNd MaKe ThE jUmP WaGoN 45: GrEeN iRoN cRoWn Hq
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