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Everything posted by megatiger78

  1. bAnNeD fOr ReSiStInG GrEeN iRoN CrOwN
  2. YoU cAnNoT sToP ThE GrEeN IrOn Virus
  3. YoU f00Ls wIlL NeVeR +rEp GrEeN iRoN cRoWn EnOuGh
  4. I cant get green iron crowned in my amazing green Mandolorian iron armour. wait.....
  5. a mysterious person saves you and says to go to room 420, where the real criminal is. the criminals name is sun. wagon 43: road to wagon 420 begins.
  6. fix and go through the Venus portal. Souper must be helping the criminal, and it was broken to cover there escape. wagon 41: Venus. you suspect the criminal will be in the next wagon.
  7. why is this in forum games? also there is currently a cult fool owing green iron crown. we do not want to anger them
  8. 11/10 seems to be more spaceworthy hen most Sci-fi ships
  9. not today. redinggalaxy? (that's a person right?)
  10. I heard you needed power.... (look in bottom left)
  11. its the real on. illuminati confirmed. you find illuminate HQ
  12. garneted. no PA wishes can be corrupted because PA is awesome. I wish that I could throw more money at star citizen and not run out and not die before it comes out.
  13. banned for deep-fried butter on a stick
  14. BLOW IT UP Wagon 21: a nuke that cannot be moved or deffused with no time left to explode.
  15. will be reopened right now *miners with nuclear C4 come out of all the doors* abandoned because *rest of sign is scratched out*
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