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Everything posted by PrometheusUnbound

  1. For me, your suggestion is a case of been there done that. It just does not feel the same. I know that may sound odd to some. I have perused various forum posts relating to KSP about the subject of science ind sandbox mode, and one of the oft suggestions is variants of your own suggestion. Dont get me wrong, your suggestion is a great one. But it would seem, through most of those posts, people are of the same opinion of sandbox having science. And no need to use "hacks" or whatever on career mode. Which feels wrong to me in so many ways. Career is for the challenge of building from scratch. Sandbox is being given all the tools you need to enjoy creativity, and not have to worry about things such as money, rep, and so on. All i, and others ask, is that we can have the immersion in sandbox. Anyway, thank you for your suggestion. it IS appreciated i assure you. And sorry for the long post. I just feel the need to clarify.
  2. Granted, this thread is a little old, but its a subject that i have strong opinions about. I agree with OP. In fact, the one thing that spoils sandbox, for me, is the lack of roleplay. Lack of immersion. I prefer Sandbox due to it giving the ability to be creative without limits. I purchased KSP for exactly that. Thats not to say i never play in career mode. But i admit that i prefer Sandbox. When i saw the scientific instruments, for the first time, the game became so much more than the challenges of orbits, landings and all matter of other challenges. Until i tried to use them.... At which point my excitement dropped faster than a Kerbal who turned off his jetpack mid-flight. Sure i still have the other features of the game, and they keep me playing. But having science would complete sandbox, for me. I am not talking about having a tech tree. Thats for Career mode, and rightly so. But having the immersive messages, and even a total of the points i have accrued. Thats perfect. I can do science, and feel i have achieved something. It also gives me more reason to play.
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