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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. It is true. When I installed Restock and Restock+ through CKAN the Consumables Containers disappeared on the clean install also. So that appears to be causing it. I installed the restock and restock + 1.4.5 and it is also good. Thank you Fubarbrickdust and theJesuit!
  2. Hello, It appears that Consumables Containers are not showing for me in the game. I tried reinstalling Kerbalism and used older version. When I did a clean install and installed only Kerbalism and SIMPLEX it shows up so its one of my mods - but which? thought some of you can see the problem in my log: Here is my LOG - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/r0b8la8d1fe31wb1s21sf/KSP.log?rlkey=3qydn14a6hpxvn6048l117s12&st=10k5cuj4&dl=0 Thank you!
  3. Is it normal for engines to cut off when acceleration exceeds 3.6g ? Because that is my problem I am experiencing. I understand that fuel would get pressed but I dont think that should be for all engines?
  4. Looks like the future of possible missions in stock KSP. I do belive that there will be more complex things to do than just land and go back or stay or whatever. Putting a seismograph with comunication capabilities befor an impct seems like a thing to do. Didn't even think of that
  5. I think it could be a useful thing. Dont see how a rocket sim could be justified as realistic but a rover or lander? Why not. The Payload Experiment hangar could be a big hangar where you could test the lander. The Gravity OBVIOUSLY could NOT be changed! but a series of cables and ropes could simulate it ;D simple to animate, easy to do. The size of the Hangar could be progresive in the science tree? What do You think?
  6. Even if my idea is GREAT ;P!!! There are some problems. If You would like to send a probe to orbit the mun and The Impactor to hit the mun The 2.5km physics ball could be a problem and also a new nice Impactor Explosions would be kinda obvious. Should biomes be taken into acount? How would You transmit the science? There is somethink to think about. I never used the Interstellar mod because i dont see Mega reactors and super fusion stuff a thing (maybe after the Interstellar film) Soo i dont know how the impactor works in this mod
  7. OK so I am quite a bright guy ;P just the Couradge bar is empty heh I suggest a completly new part! AN IMPACTOR! new kind of science! There are so many missions IRL that are just to impact into something in space(Deep Impact, Ladee, now the Cassini) YET no one ever though of it be in the game. It should be easy to add and will make a completly new kind of crafts and a new mission to the asteroids besides the CLAW missions. A new thing that would be a nice addition. If squad will read this ... PLease think about it. I leave the details to the Forum and You. I wonder if You will agree with me.
  8. here is my list. - more graphic options. (I think that .cfg tweaking is OK but still) - Improved UI (clean it up, it could probbably take a lot less space doing a lot more. Add an altimeter [could be activated by a part], improve the map view with more info] - be consequent with the already added parts. For instance: if added a new 3.75m set of parts then add all the set. there are a few missing 3.75 parts. *(bonus wish)- I would love to see faiings (i know itl be after the improved aerodynamics but we need them! AND when aerodynamics and farings would be implemented then maybe we could have deployable structural parts [sTOCK]???)
  9. pololop

    Hi! :D

    Hi . I might just join in ;D I'm completly new to the forum (first post but milions of ones I read) I play KSP since .21 and i Love it. I'm 26 and live in Poland. register? Register is GO verrify? Verrification is GO Log in? GO First post? First post is GO Second post? ...... Standby. Roger.......
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