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Posts posted by Elendel

  1. Seems silly to start a new thread for this, but there doesn't seem to be one for "I got this bit of info from a dev while chatting at Pax, but I didn't interview him or anything."

    Anyway... While I was waiting in line for the KSP2 demo presentation, chatted with one of the devs, learned something I thought was interesting for modders.  He mentioned:

    The craft files are now in Lua.

    Me: Does this mean I can insert arbitrary logic into the craft files?

    Dev: No comment.


    Also one thing I haven't seen mentioned elsewhere, I asked Nate (head dev guy, super nice) about the fidelity of the rings - do we get rocks and dust if we fly to them?  He gave me a non-committal answer (they are big on the no comments right now).  So... maybe?


    Hopefully this info will be obsolete soon, as they give us more details, but just thought I would share.

  2. I want to be able to view active contracts (the ones I selected) separate and at the same time as my fuel/electric screen in the top left.


    The contracts window during flight is quite small, and hard to keep track of what to do for each flight. Some sort of mission planning would be useful - specify which contracts are applicable for a particular launch, sort them in order of expected completion, and dislay all (or just next) during flight. When I have many open contracts, and a launch intended to fulfill some subset of them, it is difficult to see precisely what I need to do when.

    In the absence of above, just having a resizable contracts window would help somewhat.

  3. See:


    DON’T make it difficult for me to quit. In fact, since I’m telling you how to do your jobs, you should add this new requirement. A quit button. I know, it sounds cuckoo-crazy, but bear with me. From anywhere in the game, I want to call up the menu (by pressing “Escape†– not by looking at a device strapped to my wrist, tabbing through three pages, and finding the four pixel button for the options) and then choose “Quit to desktopâ€Â. I do not want to quit to the main menu. I do not want to quit to the level selection screen. I do not want to quit to that insane screen that asks me to press a button to start. I want to quit the game. Completely. In one go. I don’t, because I’m some sort of insanely fussy old pickypants, want to go through each of those previous pages one by one, until I’ve eventually climbed back up enough ladders to see the crack of daylight that is escape. Yes, you can ask me if I’m sure, in case I select the wrong thing because you probably haven’t bothered to add mouse controls to your 360 port. And then, PING!, I’m back at my desktop ready to continue with my day. Leaving a game shouldn’t be more of a challenge than a boss fight.

    I already spend far too much of my non-existent free time launching kerbals - having to navigate menus steals precious time I could be playing, or worse makes me late for whatever else I was supposed to be doing. Also, it is annoying.

    Games that do this right have the two options on the ESC menu: quit to menu, and quit entire. It's no coincidence (ok, it probably is) that the two non-KSP games I've the most time in recently (XCom, Divinity:OS) both have this.

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