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Everything posted by Kuro

  1. Bonsoir tout le monde 1500 h de vol au compteur et toujours la flamme. Si vous êtes débutant et avez besoin de conseils, n'hésitez pas à me contacter. Ce que je ne pourrais pas expliquer par mes propres moyens, je vous orienterai vers une vidéo adaptée.
  2. Especially since OPT is supposed to be CKAN compatible. (Have a look at the first Q&A, or on the spacedock download page. ) Tested and validated as a bit unstable on my heavily modded install, as expected. Keep up with the good work.
  3. My eternal love is not enough? I just happen to use ckan to keep a "clean" up-to-date modded install, and as I will embark OPT on this ride... Well, I'll make an exception. Thanks for the quick answer.
  4. Hi stali79, First, thanks a lot for the job done on this mod. I may have missed the info on the topic, but when do you plan a 1.1.3 compatible release on CKAN?
  5. When philae meets the little prince (by Nemo). :)

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