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Everything posted by PatPL

  1. Sorry, but there's no blast. Direct hit or nothing. Needs a lot of piloting skills.
  2. Dear Wanderfound, thanks for using my mod in challenge, but i think, that BDArmory will be better for it. My bombs are designed to destroy building with high kinetic energy, and they're not very accurate. Rockets are just fine, for they "may" not fly straight. Bomb should destroy this with direct hit (If game physics will count the impact, the bomb may just skip through this vehicle. KSP Physics!)
  3. I've been playing with Realism Overhaul. It's my first rocket, that could achieve stable orbit. Although i couldn't come back, because LOx got boiled. Then i made R-7 and placed Sputnik into orbit.
  4. If you want to create team, OK, but invite people from your school, your friends, family people you can rely on, and you can meet in-person. Motivation is't really a problem, if community motivates you.
  5. If you want to success, you need to have at least minimum experiance. Start with editing .cfg file (I recommend NotePad++, it's free): - look how .cfg's are made - try to change mass, cost or name - Then start with modules: RESOURCE { name = SolidFuel amount = 250 maxAmount = 250 } After you're done download blender and Unity (both free) - watch ANY tutorial about 3d modelling for beginners (don't have to be about KSP, just adding meshes, edit mode and extrude tool) - watch tutorial. It says about how to add Your model into game- create simple texture Congratulations! You have basic skills! Remember, big things start small.
  6. This can't be done without writing a plugin, and i don't want to learn writing plugins right now.(Although I know VERY basic programming in C++)
  7. UPDATE 0.5 - Added gimbal engines in 2 sizes Pictures: Next target: Nose cones with separators
  8. So Coga19000 is going to create group of experienced people, that will help newbies with their first steps in modding?
  9. I like this idea, it's something like school for modders, and mods are just knock-off effect? Do you have ANY skills in modding/modelling/texturing?
  10. Do you mean only engines? Don't worry, it's just temporary
  11. Bombs has just hit 1000 downloads, so I'll create some special update soon. Thanks!
  12. UPDATE 0.4 - Added specialized engines in small size - Fixed some weird issues Pictures: It's just one picture in Unity, because I'm too lazy to launch KSP and actually build something to show it
  13. Rakieta | Rocket | Racket
  14. SolidFuel can't move across tanks, SRBFuel can only go down, and cannot be pumped.
  15. UPDATE 0.3: -4 new engines in medium size Pictures:
  16. Gniazdko | nest | socket
  17. No, i mean words, that look the same, you say it the same, but it means different things like saw(past form of see or saw for cutting things)
  18. Beta Update 0.2 has been released! - Added Separator tanks (Tanks with small engine) - Balanced SRB's (they were too weak and too heavy) Pictures:
  19. Many languages have words, that can mean few different things, like rock(music) and rock(just a rock) Word from your language | Meaning1(English) | Meaning2(English) etc. I'm first, so: Zamek | Castle | Lock | Zip
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