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  1. Works for me. I haven't tried using KAS while it was in orbit however.
  2. It may have been just a freak occurrence Duracelle, I'll try it again tomorrow and let you know. He can use whatever font he wants to use, I think its quite fitting.
  3. Had a really weird bug happen when I tried WMSS yesterday. Kerbin was inside a copy of the default Sun, and whenever I left Kerbin's sphere of influence my craft would crash into the surface of the sun. Nothing crashed, and I could stay within the sphere of influence, but if I tried to go to Minimus I'd just crash.
  4. I've got a problem where I can't change the tank's resources. I remove the resources to add other resources, but when I remove them it just says "No room for tank". I can't even add the original resources back.
  5. Check the Github release link, it has somewhat of a change log.
  6. Today in KSP: I crashed. Crashing seems to consist of >90% of my playtime.
  7. So it does. That seems to fix it for me. THANK YOU! I've been trying to figure this one out, but those RTG units are so small I forget that they are in some of my ships.
  8. The first time I saw that parts company, I read it as "Sean Connery". You are not alone.
  9. Totally doing this today stock, then using whatever mod replica I can find.
  10. x64 was running in x32 bit for me, or had a memory ceiling, but one punch, three heel taps, and a pentagram later it was working just fine. I've noticed some incompatibilities with the mods I would like to use, but overall I think I'm crashing less than before (but not as less as .23 - .23.5)
  11. Having that problem too, let me know if you figure it out. I'll be poking around myself, though I have a lot of mods.
  12. I am no longer able to get Procedural Fairings to work, the "procedural" part now disappears in x64KSP and x32KSP. Also, when attaching the cone or eggshaped fairings, they do not resize. Also, why are you all arguing memory leaks on this page? Take it elsewhere, this is a dev form for Procedural Fairings, grow up a little.
  13. Ah, wait, what? How did that get uninstalled. I must have uninstalled it when I tried to install RasterProp. Works wonderfully, thanks again for a great mod Mihara.
  14. I'm not entirely sure whats happening, but nothing related to RasterPropMonitor seems to have installed. Its in the GameData folder, but I cannot see the alternative cockpits, cabins, or the external camera part that is included. The whole JSI folder goes into the GameData folder, right? I'm not doing something stupid I hope. Logfile is here.
  15. Same here. The bug performs exactly as Liowen's. Log file here.
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