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Everything posted by BamBam

  1. does anyone make a fuselage section that tapers upward like an airliner hull does in reality? i like the c7 mk3 hull, but it either ends square or tapers downward at the tail.
  2. here is my other attempt a bit easier to fly, still hard to get off the ground. i will modify this later on with moving the wheels forward, and use bigger canards. maybe that will help
  3. what about moving the wings forward? center of gravity change?
  4. i was under the impression that the game considered overlapped wings as a single lift producing part..... i did finally get one to fly a bit, but it is unstable and uncontrollable without asas turned on, and with it on it wont hardly turn at all... plus i have the pitch trim maxxed out to keep the nose up.
  5. so, i am trying to build and fly airplanes from the runway. trouble is, i cant seem to get anything that flys halfway decent! i built a small fighter jet style plane, nothing more than 3 fuel tanks, an engine, tricycle gear, and the wings were 3 parts each (a leading edge, a leading edge turned backwards, and a delta wing snapped onto the back of that). plus a rudder and flaps on the wings. with this plane as with all others, it either swerves around on the runway (with zero control input mind you), or it picks up speed around 150-175 m/s but wont lift off till it runs off the end of the runway. i have tried tiny little planes with way too much wing, huge planes with the huge bus lifting wing, bi-planes, none of them will pick up their nose wheel and properly lift off the runway. what am i doing wrong? and why do planes swerve about on the runway instead of moving in a straight line?
  6. my big problem getting it down in one piece was the need to keep my munar transfer stage attached most of the way through the braking burn and only need the onboard fuel to get me down the last 5000m or so. i kept running out of gas and hitting the ground too hard..... a bit more fuel, and maybe integrated rcs would be helpfull.
  7. ok, i used notepad to swap the semicolons for commas. here is the results for all my munar recon orbiters in one 50mb file. also, if someone wants to use my data combined with others to make a better topo map, thats cool. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/14063676/BamBam%20Mun%20Data.csv edit: megabytes, not gigabytes..... oops =)
  8. i am having trouble getting quickgrid to generate the topo map. can somebody post up some details. when i change the entries under 'grid line coordinates' i get an error about a interpreting floating point number is there an easier way to do this?
  9. fantastic! now i can use the map even in its current rough form to get an idea of where to land. if i could leave it scanning and not have a crash it would be better.... how to coordinates line up on this map? its 180 on one end and -180 on the other and the center is 0 degrees longitude and the top is 90 and the bottom is -90 and the center is 0 degrees latitude is that correct?
  10. hey, i see that too! using white grid lines on an all black map would be helpful i want to use my data to pick landing sites and stuff, but without the grid refrence being visible it doesnt help that much. right now i have mostly black space interspersed with data lines. what about switching the background color to white, and leaving the grid lines black?
  11. whenever i leave ksp running, it freezes up and has to force quit. any suggestions?
  12. i put the module on a moon rover, and drove around a bit. it didnt seem to add anything to my data set.... is flying required in order for this to work? i am having trouble getting a stable orbit around the mun in anything but a straight equatorial path. since the moon does not have any spin, it does not work to simply establish a slightly inclined orbit and let it work its way around. so, how are you guys gathering so much data?
  13. wow! actual science mission. now, we have to figure out how to show the long/lat on the generated map data. then when we get new planets we will be all set to map them out and choose a landing site. now im off to build a munar reconnaissance orbiter. im am not clear on how to generate the map from the data file once i have enough data.
  14. Mun Base Landing Site! I have finally gotten more than one vehicle to the same location on the Mun! I cant yet call it an actual base, but it works as a landing zone. 0.144378*N 142.025221*E 4 successful flights and counting.
  15. Kerbal Rulz! however, the wait for 14 to finish up is KILLING me!
  16. 7/10 colorful, hairy, but i have no idea what it is
  17. Dozens of fuel lines, made of corrugated drain pipe and duck tape! This is Kerbal after all!
  18. Every time i land it, the sas/nose breaks off. what about landing gear?
  19. wait a minute! 0.13 is a way lower number than 0.85 we wont be up to 0.85 for a while, and that will be close to full release. how can there be a 'glitch of 0.85' when we are on 0.13. did HarvestR invent a time machine too?
  20. well, this is beautifull work! i cant seem to get the micro Kerlin engines on the side of the capsule to fire? the fuel tanks are there, the rcs panels work. the squarachute panels are in, but they wont deploy either. this is just on a pad test, capsule sitting alone on the pad. Help Mr. Cardboardman. HELP!!
  21. so i build the shuttle, launch it, orbit it, all kinds of awesome. but on re-entry it wont fly at all! i have tried adding sas modules on the engine mounts, rcs thrusters all over, no-go. i know that the shuttle is a flying brick, but an out of control nose dive no matter what velocity im cruzing at seems a bit much.... what am i doing wrong?
  22. this is cool. lookin forward to crashing it! has anyone done a x37b style mod?
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